Records - contact:52 (Burton, Mike) - 130 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - Summary Table of the Staff Reports Addressing UGB Expansion and Draft 2040 Growth Concept Map Amendments. CORR98/873 11/24/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - Coordinating the Master Planning of Pleasant Valley CORR98/874 11/24/1998
Oregon Housing Cost Study RPT98/31 11/30/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - Summary of Urban Reserve Concept Planning MEMO98/29 11/30/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - Analysis of Actions to Be Considered to Complete Metro Council Consideration of Urban Growth Boundary CORR99/24 12/03/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - Happy Valley Mobile Home Park CORR99/26 12/03/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - Metro Approval of South Hillsboro Urban Reserve Concept Plan in Support of Metro Ordinance 98-7 CORR99/61 12/14/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - ORS 197.299 Confirmation or Extension CORR99/62 12/17/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - Compliance with ORS 197.299 CORR99/63 12/22/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - Staff Reports: Metro Urban Growth Boundary Expansion RPT98/41 11/24/1998
00-2929A: For the Purpose of Submitting to the Voters an Amendment to the Metro Charter Abolishing the Office of Executive Officer, Creating the Office of Council President and Making Related Changes. 00-2929A 08/10/2000
Executive Order No. 50 - Metro Regional Center Meeting Room Policy and Rules For Use EO/50 03/24/1994
Executive Order No. 55 - Employee Salary Savings Plan EO/55 04/01/1995
Executive Order No. 56 - Policy For Loaned Executives EO/56 08/24/1995
Executive Order No. 57 - Delegation of Contract Signature Authority EO/57 09/07/1995