Records - contact:63 (Cotugno, Andy) - 209 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
93-1785: For the Purpose of Endorsing the Region's Priority Surface Transportation Program Projects and Amending the FY 93 TIP For Inclusion of These Projects. 93-1785 04/22/1993
93-1786A: For the Purpose of Endorsing the Memorandum of Understanding on STP Funds and STP Replacement Funds. 93-1786A 05/13/1993
93-1798A: For a Sole Source Contract, Not to Exceed $200,000 With S. H. Putman Associates of Philadelphia to Significantly Enhance the DRAM/EMPAL and Use Forecasting Model For Use in the Portland Metropolitan Area and to Carry Out an Investigation of Model Response and Stability When Integrated With the Metro Transportation Model 93-1798A 05/13/1993
93-1799A: For a Sole Source Contract, Not to Exceed $10,000, With INRO Consultants of Montreal to Assist With the Linking of EMME/2 Transportation Forecasting Software With DRAM/EMPAL and to Consult on Issues of Linked Model Response and Stability 93-1799A 05/13/1993
93-1816: For the Purpose of Endorsing the Carbon Monoxide (CO) Contingency Plan. 93-1816 09/23/1993
93-1820: For the Purpose of Recommending a Locally Preferred Alternative and Associated Land Use Action For the Hillsboro Corridor Project. 93-1820 07/22/1993
93-1829A: For the Purpose of Endorsing the Region's Priority FY 95-97 Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality Program Projects For Submission to the Oregon Transportation Commission For Inclusion of These Projects. 93-1829A 09/09/1993
93-1838: For the Purpose of Extending Contracts For Environmental Work Associated With the Completion of the Hillsboro Corridor Final Environmental Impact Statement. 93-1838 09/09/1993
93-1840: For the Purpose of Adopting the FY 1994 to Post-1997 Transportation Improvement Program and the FY 1994 Through 1996 Three-Year Approved Program. 93-1840 09/23/1993
93-1842: For the Purpose of Authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement With Jurisdictions in Clark County, Washington on Roles and Responsibilities For Travel Forecasting. 93-1842 10/14/1993
93-1845A: For the Purpose of Allocating I-205 Interstate Transfer Funds to the South/North Alternatives Analysis and Committing LRT Bond Measure as Replacement Funds and to Amend the FY 94 TIP Accordingly. 93-1845A 09/23/1993
93-1846: For the Purpose of Endorsing the Region's Reapplication to the Federal Highway Administration For Participation in the ISTEA Congestion Pricing Pilot Program. 93-1846 09/23/1993
93-1856: For the Purpose of Approving the Regional Emergency Management Workplan and Adopting the Intergovernmental Agreement For Formation of the Regional Emergency Management Group That Will Make Policy and Strategic Decisions on Emergency Management in the Region 93-1856 10/14/1993
93-1865: For the Purpose of Establishing a Funding Pool in the Amount of $896,000 to Washington County For Completion of the Cedar Hills/Hall Boulevard "Alternate to Highway 217 Bike Lane System" For Submission to the Oregon Transportation Commission For Inclusion in the 1995-1998 Transportation Improvement Program as a Priority CMAQ Project 93-1865 10/14/1993
94-1868: For the Purpose of Adopting an Intergovernmental Agreement For Management of the Willamette Shore Line Right-of-Way. 94-1868 01/13/1994