Records - contact:63 (Cotugno, Andy) - 209 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
95-1995: For the Purpose of Certifying That Tri-Met's Joint Complementary Paratransit Plan Update For 1995 Conforms to Metro's Regional Transportation Plan. 95-1995 01/19/1995
94-2009: For the Purpose of Establishing a Five and Ten-Year Transportation Finance Strategy. 94-2009 07/28/1994
94-2015: For the Purpose of Amending the FY 1995 Metro Transportation Improvement Program to Allocate Funds to Two Road Widening Projects and Acknowledging Miscellaneous Administrative Amendments. 94-2015 08/25/1994
94-2039: For the Purpose of Authorizing Execution of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Regarding Conformity of Portions of the Air Quality Maintenance Area Outside of Metro's Boundaries. 94-2039 11/22/1994
95-2072: For the Purpose of Endorsing the Oregon Transportation Finance Package. 95-2072 01/19/1995
95-2089: For the Purpose of Amending the Transportation Policy Alternatives Committee (TPAC) Bylaws. 95-2089 03/16/1995
95-2090: For the Purpose of Establishing a Financing Plan For the South/North Light Rail Project. 95-2090 02/23/1995
95-2094: For the Purpose of Amending the Transportation Improvement Program For the Sunnyside Village Project. 95-2094 02/23/1995
95-2101: For the Purpose of Entering Into a Multi-Year Contract With the Most Qualified Proposer By Authorizing Issuance of A Request For Proposals For Environmental Impact Analysis For the South/North High Capacity Transit Study. 95-2101 03/02/1995
95-2102: For the Purpose of Approving the FY 1996 Unified Work Program. 95-2102 03/16/1995
95-2123: For the Purpose of Endorsing the Citizens Advisory Committee For the Update of the 1996 Regional Transportation Plan. 95-2123 04/20/1995
95-2133: For the Purpose of Recommending Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality (CMAQ) Funding For the Cedar Hills/Hall Boulevard "Alternatives to Highway 217 Bike Lane System." 95-2133 05/18/1995
95-2134: For the Purpose of Endorsing the Washington County Major Streets Transportation Improvement Program Serial Levy. 95-2134 04/13/1995
95-2138A: For the Purpose of Approving the 1995 Interim Federal Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). 95-2138A 05/25/1995
95-2139A: For the Purpose of Amending the FY 1995 Metro Transportation Improvement Program to Allocate $1.026 Million to Various Planning Activities and to Set Priorities For the Region 2040 Reserve. 95-2139A 05/25/1995