Records - contact:66 (Williams, Mark) - 18 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
98-2609: For the Purpose of Submitting to the Voters a General Obligation Bond Indebtedness in the Amount of $82,030,000 For the Completion of the Oregon Convention Center. 98-2609 02/26/1998
97-677B: For the Purpose of Amending Metro Code Chapters 2.04 and 6.01 and Declaring an Emergency. 97-677B 02/13/1997
97-682: An Ordinance Amending the FY 1996-97 Budget and Appropriations Schedule in the Parks and Expo Fund to Increase Capital Outlay For Expo, and Declaring an Emergency. 97-682 05/01/1997
97-694: Amending the FY 1996-97 Budget and Appropriations Schedule by Transferring $80,000 from Personal Services to Materials and Services in the Spectator Facilities Fund to Provide for Unanticipated Concessions Expenditures at the Portland Center for the Performing Arts (PCPA), and Declaring an Emergency 97-694 06/26/1997
97-695: An Ordinance Amending the FY 1996-97 Budget and Appropriations Schedule By Transferring $23,500 From Materials and Services to Capital Outlay in the MERC Administration Fund to Provide For Unanticipated Capital Expenditures, and Declaring an Emergency 97-695 06/26/1997
96-650A: For the Purpose of Amending the Metro Code Regarding Salary Administration For Non-Represented Employees. 96-650A 08/08/1996
96-2287: For the Purpose of Ratifying the LIU, Local 483 Collective Bargaining Agreement. 96-2287 03/14/1996
96-2379: For the Purpose of Revising Metro's Non-Represented Employee Pay Plan, and Amending Metro's Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) Retirement Practices So as to Conform to Recent Oregon Supreme Court Decisions. 96-2379 07/25/1996
98-2690: For the Purpose of Accepting the Final Report of the MERC Civic Stadium Advisory Committee. 98-2690 08/13/1998
03-994A: For the Purpose of Amending Provisions of Metro Code Chapter 2.04, Chapter 7.01, and Chapter 2.16 Relating to Sponsorship and Naming Rights Contracts. 03-994A 05/01/2003
03-3356: For the Purpose of Confirming the Council President's Appointment of Gale Castillo to the Metropolitan Exposition Recreation Commission. 03-3356 09/04/2003
04-3416: For the Purpose of Naming the Oregon Convention Center Operations Department Employee Break Room the "Richard Chambers Break Room." 04-3416 02/05/2004
04-1032: For the Purpose of Amending the FY 2003-04 Budget and Appropriations Schedule By Transferring $70,000 From Capital Outlay to Personal Services in the Convention Center Project Capital Fund and Declaring an Emergency. 04-1032 02/12/2004
04-3417: For the Purpose of Accepting the Oregon Convention Center Expansion CM/GC Delivery Project Report. 04-3417 02/12/2004
04-1052: For the Purpose of Amending Metro Code Chapter 7.01.023 to Provide Dedicated Funding For Metro Tourism Opportunity and Competitiveness Account. 04-1052 05/20/2004