Records - contact:9 (Cooper, Daniel) - 122 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
00-2934: For the Purpose of Requesting Periodic Review of the Regional Urban Growth Boundary. 00-2934 04/13/2000
00-2935: For the Purpose of Amending the Year 2000 Growth Management Committee Work Plan. 00-2935 04/13/2000
00-2931: For the Purpose of Transferring Eight Acres of the Expo Property From the Metropolitan Exposition Recreation Commission to the Parks and Greenspaces Department. 00-2931 06/20/2000
00-2976: For the Purpose of Authorizing a Personal Services Agreement With Pac/West Communications For Management and Coordination of State and Federal Legislative Agenda For Metro. 00-2976 07/20/2000
00-877: For the Purpose of Annexing Approximately 14 Acres of Land in the Jackson Bottom Wetland Preserve Near the City of Hillsboro and Declaring an Emergency. 00-877 09/14/2000
00-2988: For the Purpose of Submitting to the Voters on May 21, 2002, an Amendment to the Metro Charter Titled "Prohibits, Repeals Metro Housing Density Requirements; Requires Notice; and Amends Charter." 00-2988 09/07/2000
98-772B: For the Purpose of Amending First Tier and Urban Reserve Planning Requirements for Urban Growth Boundary Amendments and Establishing Priorities for Metro Initiated Legislative Amendments to the Urban Growth Boundary and Declaring an Emergency 98-772B-02 09/10/1998
00-3021: For the Purpose of Accepting the November 7, 2000 General Election Abstract of Votes. 00-3021 11/30/2000
00-2987: For the Purpose of Submitting to the Voters an Amendment to the Metro Charter Titled "Prohibits, Repeals Metro Housing Density Requirements; Requires Notice; and Amends Charter." 00-2987 12/31/2000
01-3078: For the Purpose of Replacing the Current Classification of Paralegal I With a Job Series Classification of Paralegal I and Paralegal II at Metro. 01-3078 07/05/2001
01-3028: Title refers to "Approve STS For Consent to a Change of Control and Ownership" 01-3028 11/09/2001
02-3163: For the Purpose of Submitting to the Voters an Amendment to the Metro Charter Requiring Protection of Existing Single Family Neighborhoods, Cost Impact Statements Regarding Urban Growth Boundary Amendments, and Notice to Affected Neighborhoods 02-3163 02/14/2002
02-942A: For the Purpose of Adding a New Chapter 2.20 to the Metro Code Creating the Office of the Chief Operating Officer. 02-942A 06/27/2002
02-953A: For the Purpose of Amending Chapter 2.08 of the Metro Code to Create the Office of Metro Attorney. 02-953A 06/27/2002
02-954A: For the Purpose of Amending Chapter 2.01 of the Metro Code to Reflect the Creation of the Office of Metro Council President. 02-954A 06/27/2002