Records - containerEx:192633 (GI9902) - 92 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
08-3905: For the Purpose of Confirming the Appointments of Seth Otto and Ben Dupree to the Metro Committee For Citizen Involvement (MCCI). 08-3905 01/31/2008
08-3906: Authorizing the Chief Operating Officer to Purchase Certain Properties in the Clackamas River Bluffs and Greenway Target Area Under the 2006 Natural Areas Bond Measure. 08-3906 02/07/2008
08-3910: For the Purpose of Proclaiming 2008 as the Year of the Dinosaur in the Metro Region. 08-3910 01/10/2008
08-3907: For the Purpose of Confirming the Appointment of Dean Large to the Regional Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC). 08-3907 02/07/2008
08-3908: For the Purpose of Requesting a Referendum on Federal Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Coverage. 08-3908 02/14/2008
08-3900: For the Purpose of Designating a Metro Official as the Official Representative of the Metro Council. 08-3900 01/17/2008
08-3912: For the Purpose of Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Years 2007-08 Through 2011-12 Adding the Stafford Field Station Expansion Project. 08-3912 01/31/2008
08-3911: For the Purpose of Approving the Air Quality Conformity Determination For the Federal Component of the 2035 Regional Transportation Plan and Reconforming the 2008-2011 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program. 08-3911 02/28/2008
08-3913: For the Purpose of Amending the 2008-11 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) to Reduce the ODOT Region 1 Modernization Program. 08-3913 07/24/2008
08-3909: For the Purpose of Endorsing Formation of a Reserves Steering Committee and a Schedule With Key Milestones to Guide Metro's Participation in the Designation of Urban and Rural Reserves. 08-3909 02/28/2008
08-3914: For the Purpose of Confirming the Appointment of Sara Adams to the Solid Waste Rate Review Committee (RRC). 08-3914 02/14/2008
08-3917: For the Purpose of Endorsing Multnomah County's Bridge Safety Funding Ballot Measure. 08-3917 02/14/2008
08-3918: For the Purpose of Confirming the Reappointment of Eric Johansen to the Investment Advisory Board for 2008 to 1010 Term. 08-3918 02/28/2008
08-3915: For the Purpose of Confirming the Appointment of Emma Nollette to the Metro Committee For Citizen Involvement (MCCI). 08-3915 04/03/2008
08-3925: For the Purpose of Confirming the Appointment of the Vice-Chair of the Joint Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation (JPACT). 08-3925 03/13/2008