Records - containerEx:231585 (GI5929) - 101 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
11-4313: For the Purpose of Allocating $70.73 Million of Regional Flexible Funding for the Years 2014 and 2015, Pending Air Quality Conformity Determination. 11-4313 12/15/2011
12-4317: For the Purpose of Electing the Deputy Council President, Organizing the Metro Council and Confirming Committee Members for the Year 2012. 12-4317 01/05/2012
12-4318: For the Purpose of Confirming the Appointment of Members of the Nature in Neighborhoods Capital Grants Review Committee. 12-4318 01/12/2012
12-4319: For the Purpose of Amending the Financially Constrained 2035 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and the 2010-13 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) to Add the Northbound Cornelius Pass Road to US 26 Eastbound Project. 12-4319 01/19/2012
12-4320: For the Purpose of Amending the Financially Constrained 2035 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and the 2010-13 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) to Add the Construction Phase of the Sellwood Bridge Replacement Project. 12-4320 01/19/2012
12-4321: For the Purpose of Amending the Financially Constrained 2035 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) to Add the City of Portland Bikeshare Project and to Remove the Allen Boulevard and Nimbus Avenue Extension Projects. 12-4321 01/19/2012
12-4323: For the Purpose of Amending the 2010-13 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) to Add the City of Portland Peer-to-Peer Carsharing Project. 12-4323 01/19/2012
12-4326: For the Purpose of Confirming Deidra Krys-Rusoff and Andrew Lonergan Appointments to the Investment Advisory Board. 12-4326 01/19/2012
12-4325: For the Purpose of Metro Council's Acceptance of the Results of the Independent Audit Report For Financial Activity During Fiscal Year 2010-2011. 12-4325 01/19/2012
12-4328: For the Purpose of Approving a Contract Amendment For the St. Johns Landfill Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study. 12-4328 02/16/2012
12-4329: For the Purpose of Approving a Contract Amendment For the Central Transfer Station Stormwater Assessment and Source Control Evaluation. 12-4329 02/16/2012
12-4330: For the Purpose of Endorsing a Regional Position on the Authorization of a Surface Transportation Act in the US Congress. 12-4330 02/16/2012
12-4331: For the Purpose of Confirming the Appointment of Alison Kean Campbell as Metro Attorney. 12-4331 02/16/2012
12-4327A: For the Purpose of Designating the Oregon Convention Center Enhanced Marketing Initiative Project as a Council Project; Assigning a Lead Council and Council Liaison and Directing Staff to Complete Phase 1 of Scope of Work. 12-4327A 01/26/2012
12-4322: For the Purpose of Providing Direction to Metro Concerning Bills Before the 2012 Oregon Legislature. 12-4322 01/26/2012