Records - containerEx:231585 (GI5929) - 101 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
12-4324: For the Purpose of Accepting the Phase 1 Findings and Strategy Toolbox For the Portland Metropolitan Region to Acknowledge the Work Completed to Date and Initiate Phase 2 of the Climate Smart Communities Scenarios Project. 12-4324 01/26/2012
12-4332: For the Purpose of Approving the 2012-2015 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program for the Portland Metropolitan Area. 12-4332 03/15/2012
12-4333: For the Purpose of Approving the Air Quality Conformity Determination For the 2012-2015 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program. 12-4333 03/15/2012
12-4334: For the Purpose of Authorizing General Obligation Bonds and Refunding General Obligation Bonds. 12-4334 03/15/2012
12-4337: For the Purpose of Naming the Metro Regional Center's North Plaza After Former Metro Employee Steve Apotheker. 12-4337 03/22/2012
12-4336: Resolution of Metro Council, Acting as the Metro Contract Review Board, For the Purpose of Approving a Sole Source Contract For the Procurement of an Independent Cemetery Operations Consultant. 12-4336 03/22/2012
12-4339: For the Purpose of Appointing the Following Members to the Metro Policy Advisory Committee (MPAC); Maxine Fitzpatrick as Multnomah County Citizen Member, Bob Grover as Washington County Citizen Member, Wilda Parks as Clackamas County Citizen Member 12-4339 03/22/2012
12-4341: For the Purpose of Confirming the Reappointment of Pre-Existing Members and the Appointment of New Members to the Natural Areas Program Performance Oversight Committee. 12-4341 04/12/2012
12-4340: For the Purpose of Revising the 2011 Land Use Final Order For the EXPO Center/Hayden Island Segment of the South/North Light Rail Project on Remand From LUBA and the Oregon Supreme Court. 12-4340 04/12/2012
12-4335: For the Purpose of Certifying That the Portland Metropolitan Area is in Compliance With the Federal Transportation Planning Requirements and Adopting the Fiscal Year 2012-13 Unified Planning Work Program. 12-4335 04/19/2012
12-4342: For the Purpose of Confirming the Appointment of Steven Joiner, Shawn Decarlo and Anisha Scanlon and the Reappointment of Jeff Bissonnette to the North Portland Rehabilitation and Enhancement Committee (NPREC.) 12-4342 04/19/2012
12-4346: Resolution For the Purpose of Authorizing the Issuance of a Request For Proposal For the Development of an Oregon Convention Center Hotel. 12-4346 04/26/2012
12-4348: For the Purpose of Proclaiming the Week of May 5 through May 13, 2012 as National Travel and Tourism Week. 12-4348 05/03/2012
12-4338: Approving the FY 2012-13 Budget, Setting Property Tax Levies and Transmitting the Approved Budget to the Multnomah County Tax Supervising and Conservation Commission. 12-4338 05/03/2012
12-4347: For the Purpose of Approving a Contract Amendment to the Enterprise License Agreement With Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI). 12-4347 05/17/2012