Records - containerEx:363342 (JU2694) - 107 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
12-20: Accepting Bargreen Ellingson of Oregon, Inc. as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder and authorizing the General Manager of Visitor Venues to execute a contract for the Main Kitchen. [See Notes for full title] 12-20 10/03/2012
12-21: For the purpose of selecting Cherry City Electric as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the Oregon Convention Center (OCC), "Lighting Fixture Upgrade Project - Phase II," (See Notes Page for Full Title) 12-21 10/03/2012
12-22: Accepting SBS Construction as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, authorizing the General Manager of Visitor Venues to execute a contract for the Main Kitchen Original Cooler Remodel Project. [See Notes for full title] 12-22 12/04/2012
12-23: For the purpose of amending the contract with SBS Construction for OCC Main Kitchen Cooler Remodel Project. 12-23 12/21/2012
14-21: For the purpose of selecting Freewire Broadband as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder in response to a Request for bids, relating to the "Event Internet Services - Oregon Convention Center (OCC)" (See notes for full title.) 14-25 09/10/2014
14-26: For the purpose of approving a rent adjustment for the Antoinette Hatfield Hall ground lease with First Congregational Church. 14-26 10/01/2014
14-27 For the purpose of selecting Hy6dro Temp Mechanical, Inc. for the Keller Auditorium - "Cooling Tower Replacement" and authorizing the Deputy Chief Operating Officer of Metro to execute a contract with HydroTemp Mechanical. 14-27 11/05/2014
14-28 - For the purpose of selecting Convergint Technologies, LLC., for the Oregon Convention Center - "Integrated Electronic Security Upgrade" (See notes page for complete title) 14-28 11/05/2014
14-29 For the purpose of amending the Metropolitan Exposition Recreation Commission Contracting and Purchasing Rules. 14-29 12/02/2014
11-01: For the purpose of approving a collective bargaining agreement ("CBA") with the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees and Moving Picture Machine Operators of the United States and Canada ("IATSE") Local 28. 11-01 01/05/2011
11-02: For the purpose of approving a collective bargaining agreement with the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 3580-1. 11-02 01/05/2011
11-03: For the purpose of selecting Pioneer Masonry Restoration Company for the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, "Exterior Facade Improvement Project" and authorizing the General Manager to execute a contract with Pioneer Masonry Restoration Company. 11-03 02/08/2011
11-04: Approval of the Expo Center Conditional Use Master Plan and authorizing staff to forward the plan to Metro Council for their consideration and approval. 11-04 02/08/2011
11-05: For the purpose of approving the Metropolitan Exposition recreation Commission ("MERC") 2011-2012 Budget, the MERC Reserve Policy, Rental Rate increases for the Portland Center for the Performing Arts ("PCPA") [See notes field for full title] 11-05 03/02/2011
11-06: For the purpose of approving the selection of Brown Contracting Inc. as the lowest responsive and responsible bidders for the Block 26 Redevelopment project, approving the contract awards. [See Notes for full title] 11-06 03/15/2011