Records - containerEx:553201 (OREG91494) - 184 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
95-50: Authorizing the approval of two position reclassifications, 4 position additions and an amendment to the FY 1995-96 Adopted Budget for the Portland Center for the Performing Arts Spectator Facilities Fund 95-50 11/08/1995
95-51: Approval of Fiscal Year 96-97 MERC Budget 95-51 11/17/1995
95-53: Approval to Amend Resolution 113 of Unscheduled Activity at MERC Facilities 95-53 12/13/1995
96-01: Accepting the Bid of CMJ Construction, Inc., Portland, Oregon, and Authorizing the Chairman and Secretary/Treasurer to execute Contract with CMJ Construction Inc for the Oregon Convention Center Information/Business Center and Catering Remodel 96-01 01/10/1996
96-02: Approving the First Amendment to the Broadway Series Agreement and authorizing the Chairman and Secretary-Treasurer to execute the Amendment 96-02 01/10/1996
96-04: Authorizing the General Manager to request bids, proposals, award and enter into contracts for upgrading of the MERC Management Information Computer System 96-04 01/10/1996
96-05: Approval of Fiscal Year 95-96 Budget Amendment 96-05 01/10/1996
96-06: Approval of Employment Contract Extension -Harriet Sherburne 96-06 01/10/1996
96-07: Recognizing the outstanding inaugural season of Portland's Broadway Theater Season presented by the Portland Opera/Jujamcyn Productions organization 96-07 01/10/1996
96-08: Approving the selection of Yost, Grube, Hall Architects for the Expo Expansion phased design and construction and authorize the General Manager to negotiate and execute contract for such services within budget guidelines 96-08 01/19/1996
96-09: Authorizing a Supplemental Budget amendment to FY 995-96 Adopted Budget for the Expo Center 96-09 01/19/1996
96-11: Approving the creation of new staff position at the Oregon Convention Center/MERC of Multi Media Supervisor and reclass Lisa Vielbig, current Graphic Systems Coordinator, to this position effective July 1, 1995 96-11 02/14/1996
96-12: Authorizing a budget amendment to the FY 1995-96 Adopted Budget or the Civic Stadium and Expo Center Spectator Facilities and Regional Parks and Expo Funds 96-12 02/14/1996
96-13: Authorizing Supplemental Budget Amendment to the FY 1995-96 Adopted Budget for the PCPA (Spectator Facilities Fund) 96-13 02/14/1996
96-14: Authorizing the General Manager to establish bank accounts consistent with Metro Investment Policy and local law, and designate authorized signers 96-14 02/14/1996