Records - containerEx:553597 (OREG91497) - 206 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
99-44: For the Purpose of Amending MERCs Purchasing Policy and Guidelines 99-44 10/20/1999
99-45: Authorizing issuance of a Request for Proposals for non-exclusive automated ticketing services for the Portland Center for the Performing Arts (PCPA), Civic Stadium, Oregon Convention Center (OCC) and the Portland Metropol... <FULL TITLE IN NOTES> 99-45 10/20/1999
99-46: Authorization for staff to issue Request for Proposal for Architectural Services for the expansion of the Oregon Convention Center 99-46 11/04/1999
99-47: Confirming the election of officers of the Metropolitan Exposition-Recreation Commission 99-47 10/20/1999
99-48: Authorizing staff to release an RFP for advertising services in conjunction with the Portland Oregon Visitors Association 99-48 11/17/1999
99-49: Revises policies regarding MERC User Fees on tickets for seated events in assembly facilities 99-49 12/15/1999
99-50: Authorizes PCPA Capital Campaign and Fund through Friends of the Performing Arts Center 99-50 12/15/1999
99-51: Authorizes General Manager to prepare file and execute any documents necessary to preserve MERC's preferential rights as upland riparian property owner 99-51 12/15/1999
99-52: For the Purpose of approving and transmitting the MERC Operating Fund and the MERC Pooled Capital Fund for Fiscal Year 2000-2001 99-52 12/15/1999
99-53: Authorizing the General Manager to extend the existing non-exclusive Automated Ticketing Services Agreements with Fastixx and Ticketmaster for 3 months to March 31, 2000 99-53 12/15/1999
99-54: Approving new personnel classification of Audio/Visual Technician Lead 99-54 12/15/1999