Records - containerEx:553597 (OREG91497) - 206 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
01-29: Authorization for Staff to execute a Contract for General Use Tables and Chairs for EXPO Center's (EXPO) Hall D, and increase the previously anticipated number for purchase 01-29 10/04/2001
01-30: Authorizing the Oregon Convention Center Director to execute an addendum to the Portland Oregon Visitors Association (POVA) Marketing Agreement 01-30 10/04/2001
01-31: Recognizing the Contributions of Ben Middleton to the Regional Facilities of the Portland Metropolitan Region 01-31 10/24/2001
01-32: For the purpose of authorizing designated MERC and Metro staff to approve and process changes utilizing contingency funds established within the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) contract for CM/GC services with Hoffman Const... <FULL TITLE IN NOTES> 01-32 10/24/2001
01-33: For the purpose of authorizing staff to issue Request for Proposals for Testing and Balancing of Mechanical Systems (TAB) for the Oregon Convention Center Expansion, and authorizing the General Manager to execute Contract ... <FULL TITLE IN NOTES> 01-33 10/24/2001
01-31: For the Purpose of Ratifying an Increase in the 2000-2001 Budget for the Portland Oregon Visitors Association (POVA) National Marketing Agreement for the Oregon Convention Center 01-34 10/24/2001
01-35: For the purpose of approving 2.9% wage equity increases for non-represented part-time classifications that have not received general pay increases since July 1, 1999 01-35 10/24/2001
01-36: For the purpose of incorporating nine selected alternates into the Guaranteed Maximum Price scope of work for the Oregon Convention Center Expansion, and authorizing OCC Expansion Team staff to coordinate the execution of ... <FULL TITLE IN NOTES> 01-36 10/24/2001
01-37: Approval of MERC's Strategic Plan 01-37 10/24/2001
01-38: For purpose of approving MERC's Capital Improvement Plan and Recommended Adoption by Metro Council 01-38 10/24/2001
01-39: For the Purpose of approving and transmitting the MERC Operating Fund, MERC Pooled Capital Fund and the OCC Capital Fund for Fiscal-Year 2002-03 Budget 01-39 10/24/2001
01-40: For the Purpose of Electing the Commissions Officers for calendar year 2002 01-40 10/24/2001
01-41: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Chair and Secretary-Treasurer to Negotiate and Execute Contract Amendments 01-41 10/24/2001
01-42: Approval of MERC Budget Committee recommendations authorizing staff for changes in January 2002 01-42 10/24/2001
01-43: For the Purpose of approving an amendment and transmitting the MERC Convention Center Project Capital Fund approved annual budget for the fiscal year 2002-03 01-43 11/28/2001