Records - containerEx:553599 (OREG91501) - 78 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
07-30: Approving Implementation of the MBL Group Compensation Study for Non-Represented Employees 07-30 11/28/2007
08-01: For the Purpose of Accepting AGG Enterprise's Proposal for Refuse Removal Services and Authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to Enter Into Three Year Agreement 08-01 01/28/2008
08-02: For the Purpose of approving and transmitting the budget for the MERC Fund for Fiscal Year 2008-09 08-02 02/27/2008
08-03: For the purpose of approving and transmitting budget amendments to the MERC Fund for fiscal year 2008-09 08-03 04/23/2008
08-04: For the Purpose of approving two year extension of the National Sales Marketing Convention Services Agreement with the Portland Oregon Visitors Association 08-04 04/23/2008
08-05: For the purpose of approving and transmitting a budget amendment to the MERC Fund for fiscal year 2007-08 08-05 05/28/2008
08-06: For the Purpose of letting the commission's Officer for Fiscal Year 2008-09 08-06 06/25/2008
08-07: For the Purpose of recognizing Janice Marquis Contributions as Chair of the Metropolitan Exposition Recreation Commission 08-07 06/25/2008
08-08: For the purpose of approving and transmitting budget amendments to the MERC Fund for fiscal year 2008-09 08-08 06/25/2008
08-09: For the purpose of accepting the Midwest Folding Products bid for the Oregon Convention Center Table and Table Cart Replacement Project and authorizing the MERC Chief Executive Officer to execute contract in the amount of $128,446.02 08-09 06/25/2008
08-10: For the Purpose of Amending Metropolitan Exposition Recreation Commission Contracting and Purchasing Rules to Expand Special Procurements To Contracts Under $100,000 08-10 09/24/2008
08-11: Amending the At-Will Employment Agreement of the MERC CEO In Regard to Performance Evaluation and Compensation 08-11 09/24/2008
09-01: For the purpose of approving and transmitting the budget for the MERC Fund for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 09-01 02/25/2009
09-02: For the purpose of approving the Communication Site Lease Agreement between the Metropolitan Exposition Recreation Commission and Clearwire US LLC, and authorizing Staff to forward such Lease to the Metro Council for approval 09-02 03/25/2009
09-03: For the purpose of approving two month extension of the Concessions and Catering Management Agreement with Aramark/Glacometti Partners and authorizing the MERC CEO to execute the extension as approved by the Metropolitan E... <FULL TITLE IN NOTES> 09-03 04/22/2009