Records - createdOn:10/12/1989 - 19 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
89-303: For the Purpose of Adopting a Policy For the Metropolitan Service District Requiring the Purchase of Yard Debris Compost and Sewage Sludge Compost. 89-303 10/12/1989
89-310: An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 89-294A Revising the FY 1989-90 Budget and Appropriations Schedule to Implement the Oregon Laborers International Local 483 Collective Bargaining Agreement. 89-310 10/12/1989
89-314: For the Purpose of Amending Metro Code Section 2.04.040 Relating to Public Contracts, General Provisions. 89-314 10/12/1989
89-1137: For the Purpose of Ratifying the 1989-1991 Collective Bargaining Agreement With the Laborer's International Union Local 483. 89-1137 10/12/1989
89-1145: For the Purpose of Recognizing Recycling Achievement in the Metro Region. 89-1145 10/12/1989
89-1146: For the Purpose of Adopting Recommendations and Establishing Policy Guidelines For the FY 90-91 Metropolitan Service District Budget Committee. 89-1146 10/12/1989
89-1147: For the Purpose of Approving a Request For Proposal Document For Financial Advisory Services. 89-1147 10/12/1989
89-1150: For the Purpose of Authorizing an Exemption From Metro Code 2.04.060 For Contract With Pacific Power and Light Company For Purchase and Installation of Electrical Equipment For the Oregon Convention Center. 89-1150 10/12/1989
89-1151: For the Purpose of Authorizing Execution of a Right-of-Way Easement For Pacific Power and Light Company For Installation and Service of Underground Electrical Distribution Line at the Oregon Convention Center. 89-1151 10/12/1989
89-1155: For the Purpose of Authorizing Issuance of Request For Bids For Photogrammetric Services at St. Johns Landfill. 89-1155 10/12/1989
Metro Council Committee Meeting Records - Internal Affairs Committee Meeting Packet MP89/115 10/12/1989
Council Meeting Packet MP02/1121 10/12/1989
Joint Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation (JPACT) Agenda MEET10/859 10/12/1989
Joint Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation (JPACT) Minutes MEET10/860 10/12/1989
Joint Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation (JPACT) Packet MEET10/861 10/12/1989