Records - createdOn:06/24/1998 - 109 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
87-748: For the Purpose of Amending Resolution No. 86-659 to Revise the FY 1986-87 Budget and Appropriations Schedule. 87-748 06/24/1998
87-756: For the Purpose of Accepting the March 31, 1987, Special Election Abstract of Votes of the Metropolitan Service District. 87-756 06/24/1998
87-783: For the Purpose of Accepting a Bid For the Purchase of General Obligation Convention Center Bonds, Series 1987, and Directing Delivery and Sale Thereof. 87-783 06/24/1998
88-831: For the Purpose of Suspending the Memorandum of Agreement Negotiations For the Resource Recovery Project to Be Located in Columbia County, Oregon. 88-831 06/24/1998
88-838: For the Purpose of Establishing An Agreement Between Metro-Yamhill County-Riverbend Landfill, Inc. 88-838 06/24/1998
88-844: For the Purpose of Examining the Current and Future Functions of the Metropolitan Service District. 88-844 06/24/1998
88-846: For the Purpose of Examining the Funding of the Metropolitan Service District. 88-846 06/24/1998
88-868: For the Purpose of Amending the Contract With Zimmer Gunsul Frasca Partnership to Include Additional Design Work For the Oregon Convention Center. 88-868 06/24/1998
88-878: For the Purpose of Adopting Solid Waste Disposal Rate and Financing Policies. 88-878 06/24/1998
88-879: For the Purpose of Amending the Budget to Transfer Lobbyist Position From Executive Management to Council Department. 88-879 06/24/1998
88-885: For the Purpose of Initiating A Proposal and a Site Search For a Publicly-Owned East Transfer and Recycling Center(s)/Depot(s). 88-885 06/24/1998
88-886: For the Purpose of Adopting a Policy For Vendor Qualifications For the Metro East Transfer and Recycling Center(s). 88-886 06/24/1998
88-915A: For the Purpose of Supporting Retention of the Current Metro Governance System. 88-915A 06/24/1998
88-927: For the Purpose of Delaying Action to Impose Restrictions on Use of the Clackamas Transfer and Recycling Center Pending Adoption of Council Policy. 88-927 06/24/1998
88-935: For the Purpose of Recommending a Merger of the Boundary Commission With the Metropolitan Service District Providing That the Executive Officer Hire and Direct Staff, and That There Be Limited Appeals of Commission Decisions to the Metro Council 88-935 06/24/1998