Records - createdOn:11/16/1998 - 43 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - Urban Reserve Areas 4 and 5 CORR98/187 11/16/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - Work Program to Complete Urbanization Plan for First Tier Urban Reserves CORR98/216 11/16/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - Metro Council Meeting Packet MP98/11 11/16/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - Buildable Land and Affordable Housing MEMO98/20 11/16/1998
City of Hillsboro South Urban Reserve Concept Plan, Urban Reserve Sites 51-55 RPT98/8 11/16/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - City of Hillsboro South Urban Reserve Concept Plan Appendices, Urban Reserve Sites 51-55 RPT98/9 11/16/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - The Stafford Triangle (URSA 31, 32, 33 and 34) CORR98/448 11/16/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - The Stafford Triangle (URSA 31, 32, 33 and 34) CORR98/449 11/16/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - The Stafford Triangle (URSA 31, 32, 33 and 34) CORR98/450 11/16/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - The Stafford Triangle (URSA 31, 32, 33 and 34) CORR98/451 11/16/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - The Stafford Triangle (URSA 31, 32, 33 and 34) CORR98/452 11/16/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - The Stafford Triangle (URSA 31, 32, 33 and 34) CORR98/453 11/16/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - The Stafford Triangle (URSA 31, 32, 33 and 34) CORR98/454 11/16/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - The Stafford Triangle (URSA 31, 32, 33 and 34) CORR98/455 11/16/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - The Stafford Triangle (URSA 31, 32, 33 and 34) CORR98/456 11/16/1998