Records - createdOn:10/28/1999 - 12 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
99-823A: For the Purpose of Amending Metro Code Chapter 5.02 to Modify Charges For Direct Haul Disposal, to Modify Metro System Fees, to Create Additional Regional System Fee Credits and Making Other Related Amendments. 99-823A 10/28/1999
99-824A: For the Purpose of Amending Metro Code Chapter 7.01 to Modify and Adjust Metro Excise Taxes and Making Other Related Amendments. 99-824A 10/28/1999
99-825A: For the Purpose of Amending Metro Code Section 5.02.025 to Modify the Disposal Charge at the Metro South and Metro Central Transfer Stations. 99-825A 10/28/1999
99-2843: For the Purpose of Adopting the Portland Area Air Quality Conformity Determination For the FY 2000 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program. 99-2843 10/28/1999
99-2853A: For the Purpose of Adopting a Land Use Final Order Amending the Light Rail Route, Light Rail Stations, and Park-and-Ride Lots, Including Their Locations, For That Portion of the South/North Light Rail Project Extending From the Steel Bridge to the Exposition Center. 99-2853A 10/28/1999
99-2855C: For the Purpose of Requesting LCDC Approval of a Limited Extension to the Last Deadline of ORS 197.299 and Accepting the 1997 Urban Growth Report Update. 99-2855C 10/28/1999
Council Minutes MIN99/00148 10/28/1999
Council Agenda AGEN99/00181 10/28/1999
Metro Council - Council Meeting Records - Recordings - Council TAPE99/150 10/28/1999
Council Meeting Packet MP99/50-01 10/28/1999
Council Meeting Packet MP99/50-02 10/28/1999
Council Meeting Packets GI9078 10/28/1999