Records - createdOn:12/02/1999 - 14 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
99-2805: For the Purpose of Confirming Nathalie Darcy as a Citizen Member Alternate to the Metro Policy Advisory Committee (MPAC). 99-2805 12/02/1999
99-820: For the Purpose of Granting a New Yard Debris Composting Facility License to Clackamas Compost Products, LLC to Operate a Yard Debris Composting Facility, and Rescinding License Number YD-0197, and Declaring an Emergency. 99-820 12/02/1999
99-2861: For the Purpose of Appointing the Metro Committee For Citizen Involvement (MCCI): Bill Kirby and Leeanne MacColl. 99-2861 12/02/1999
99-2856: For the Purpose of Approving a FY 1999-2000 Organic Waste Management Work Plan, and Authorizing Release of Budgeted Funds. 99-2856 12/02/1999
99-2860: For the Purpose of Appointing Jennifer Allen, Ron Hernandez and Juliet Hyams to Three Expiring Terms on the Central Station Community Enhancement Committee. 99-2860 12/02/1999
99-2864: For the Purpose of Selection and Funding Allocation of $1 Million to Transportation Management Associations For FY 2000 to FY 2003. 99-2864 12/02/1999
99-2865: For the Purpose of Approving the Smith and Bybee Lakes Wildlife Area Recreation Facility Plan. 99-2865 12/02/1999
99-2870: For the Purpose of Authorizing Release of RFB #99B-40-REM For the Construction of an Expansion to the Public Unloading Area at the Metro Central Transfer Station. 99-2870 12/02/1999
99-2866: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Executive Officer to Purchase Property in the Forest Park Target Area. 99-2866 12/02/1999
Council Agenda AGEN99/00209 12/02/1999
Council Minutes MIN99/00168 12/02/1999
Metro Council - Council Meeting Records - Recordings - Council TAPE99/170 12/02/1999
Council Meeting Packet MP99/55-02 12/02/1999
Council Meeting Packet MP99/55-01 12/02/1999