Records - type:11 (CORRESPONDENCE) - 1182 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - Support for the Master Planning Concept Linked to Urban Reserve Lands CORR98/31 03/03/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - 17024 SW Beef Bend Road and 16992 SW Beef Bend Road (Urban Reserve Sites 47 and 49) CORR98/32 08/25/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - Inclusion of Entire Tax Lot (Urban Reserve Site 65) CORR98/33 08/24/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - Urban Growth Boundary (Urban Reserve Site 15) CORR98/34 10/15/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - Inclusion of Happy Valley Properties in the Urban Reserves CORR98/35 08/04/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - The Five State-Mandated Factors Relating to Tax Lot 901: 3S,2E,16D, Clackamas County U.R.B. 25 CORR98/36 10/13/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - Growth Management Committee Meeting October 6, 1998: Presentation of URSA Site No. 47 CORR98/37 10/01/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - Opposition to Urban Growth Boundary Amendment CORR98/38 09/30/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - Concern Regarding Metro Council's Effort to Amend the Metro Code to Allow Urban Reserve Inclusion Inside the Urban Growth Boundary Without Requiring Proper Planning CORR98/39 08/26/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - Recommendation In Support of MPAC's Motion Regarding Review of UGB Amendments and Continued Review and Update of the Urban Growth Report CORR98/40 09/25/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - Expressing Opposition to Metro Resolution No. 98-2715 CORR98/41 10/05/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - URSA Site No. 47 First Tier Property Consideration for Inclusion in the First Initial Property List for UGB Expansion CORR98/42 09/24/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - Growth Management Committee Agenda Request CORR98/43 10/15/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - Opposition to Rosemont and Stafford Development CORR98/44 10/22/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - City of West Linn's Opposition to Adding the Stafford Area to the Urban Growth Boundary CORR98/45 10/20/1998