Records - type:5 (LEGISLATION) - 8230 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
97-708: For the Purpose of Granting a Franchise to TPST Soil Recyclers of Oregon, Inc. to Operate a Petroleum Contaminated Soil Processing Facility. 97-708 08/07/1997
97-709: For the Purpose of Amending the FY 1997-98 Budget and Appropriations Schedule By Transferring $2,500 From Contingency to Materials and Services in the Office of the Executive Officer's Portion of the General Fund to Provide For Metro's Sponsorship of a Symposium on Bi-State Issues, and Declaring an Emergency 97-709 06/24/1998
97-710A: For the Purpose of Establishing a Coordinated 2017 Population Forecast For Use in Maintaining and Updating Comprehensive Plans. 97-710A 02/19/1998
97-711: For the Purpose of Amending Urban Growth Boundary and Urban Reserve Procedures. 97-711 10/23/1997
97-712: To Adopt the Hearings Officer Findings and Recommendation, Approving Urban Growth Boundary Case 97-1: West Linn. 97-712 10/02/1997
97-713: For the Purpose of Adopting Lot Specific Maps of the Regional Urban Growth Boundary. 97-713 12/11/1997
97-714: For the Purpose of Enacting a Policy to Allow Metro to Purchase and Accept Conservation Easements to Promote the Protection of Regionally Significant Natural Resources, Adding the Policy to the Metro Code, and Declaring an Emergency. 97-714 11/06/1997
97-715B: For the Purpose of Adopting the Regional Framework Plan. 97-715B-01 12/11/1997
97-716: For the Purpose of Granting a Yard Debris Processing Facility License to Grimm's Fuel Company, Inc. to Operate a Yard Debris Processing Facility and Declaring an Emergency. 97-716 12/04/1997
97-717: For the Purpose of Granting a Yard Debris Processing Facility License to City of Portland Leaf Composting Facility and Declaring an Emergency. 97-717 12/04/1997
97-718: For the Purpose of Granting a Solid Waste Franchise to USA Waste of Oregon, Inc., Doing Business as Metropolitan Disposal and Recycling Corporation, For the Purpose of Operating a Solid Waste Transfer Station; and Declaring an Emergency. 97-718 12/18/1997
97-719A: An Ordinance Amending the FY 1997-98 Budget and Appropriations Schedule By Transferring .50 FTE From the Office of Citizen Involvement and .50 FTE From the Growth Management Department to the Office of Public and Government Relations in the Support Services Fund to Provide Additional MPAC and MCCI Committee Support, Modifying the Funding Source of the Position, and Declaring an Emergency 97-719A 02/12/1998
98-2628: For the Purpose of Authorizing an Exemption to Metro Code Chapter 2.04.044, Personal Services Contracts Selection Process, and Authorizing a Sole Source Contract With Stop Oregon Litter and Vandalism (SOLV) For Sponsorship of the Annual "SOLV IT" Cleanup Event 98-2628 05/07/1998
98-735: For the Purpose of Lowering the Minimum For Group Discount Classification From 25 to 20 Persons and Granting Complimentary Admission to the Drivers and Escorts of Pre-formed Tour Groups at the Metro Washington Park Zoo 98-735 05/07/1998
98-2634A: For the Purpose of Approving the Year 9 Annual Waste Reduction Work Plan For Metro and Local Governments. 98-2634A 05/07/1998