Records - allRelated:1224 (88-266B) - 33+ records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
90-359: For the Purpose of Adopting the Plan Development and Amendment Chapter of the Regional Solid Waste Management Plan. 90-359 09/27/1990
92-456: For the Purpose of Amending the Regional Solid Waste Management Plan to Incorporate the Household Hazardous Waste Management Plan and to Update Plan Policy 2.2. 92-456 06/25/1992
89-1032A: For the Purpose of Authorizing an Agreement With the City of Forest Grove, Oregon, Pertaining to an Enhancement Fee For the Forest Grove Transfer Station. 89-1032A 12/31/1997
89-1102: For the Purpose of Authorizing An Agreement With the City of Forest Grove, Oregon, Pertaining to an Enhancement Fee For the Forest Grove Transfer Station. 89-1102 07/27/1989
95-624: For the Purpose of Adopting the Regional Solid Waste Management Plan. 95-624 11/30/1995
Council Meeting Packet MP02/1173 10/27/1988
Council Minutes MEET22/1207 10/13/1988
Council Minutes MEET22/1208 10/27/1988
Council Agenda MEET21/1967 10/13/1988
Council Agenda MEET21/1947 10/27/1988
91-377: For the Purpose of Amending Ordinance No. 88-266B Adopting the Regional Solid Waste Management Plan to Incorporate the Yard Debris Plan. 91-377 01/10/1991
91-393A: For the Purpose of Amending Ordinance No. 88-266B Adopting the Regional Solid Waste Management Plan to Identify Options For Implementing Local Government Facility Siting Standards. 91-393A 10/24/1991
91-406A: For the Purpose of Amending Ordinance No. 88-266B Adopting the Regional Solid Waste Management Plan to Incorporate the Illegal Dumping Chapter. 91-406A 10/10/1991
91-416: For the Purpose of Amending Ordinance No. 88-266B Adopting the Regional Solid Waste Management Plan to Incorporate the Metro West Transfer and Material Recovery System Chapter. 91-416 10/10/1991
88-273: For the Purpose of Amending Ordinance No. 88-266(B) (Relating to the Adoption of the Solid Waste Management Plan) By Establishing Enhancement Fees For Solid Waste Facilities and Adding Land Use Goal Findings. 88-273 12/08/1988