Records - allRelated:13098 (MIN00/00031) - 13 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
Council Meeting Packet MP00/37 04/13/2000
00-854: An Ordinance Amending the FY 1999-00 Budget and Appropriations Schedule For the Purpose of Reflecting Cost of Living Adjustments and Heath and Welfare Increases; and Declaring an Emergency. 00-854 05/11/2000
00-855: An Ordinance Amending the FY 1999-00 Budget and Appropriations Schedule For the Purpose of Reflecting an Authorized Interfund Loan From the Solid Waste Revenue Fund to the Convention Center Project Capital Fund; and Declaring an Emergency 00-855 05/11/2000
00-853: An Ordinance Amending the FY 1999-00 Budget to Increase the Full-Time Equivalents in the Solid Waste Revenue Fund By 2.50 FTE For the Purpose of Increasing Staffing in the Hazardous Waste Program; and Declaring and Emergency 00-853 04/13/2000
00-2922: For the Purpose of Appointing Michael Carlson and Hillary Abraham to the Water Resources Policy Advisory Committee (WRPAC). 00-2922 04/13/2000
00-2923: For the Purpose of Issuing a Solid Waste Facility License to Tire Disposal and Recycling, Inc. 00-2923 04/13/2000
00-2924: For the Purpose of Replacing a Solid Waste Franchise Issued to Waste Recovery With a Solid Waste Facility License to Be Issued to RB Recycling. 00-2924 04/13/2000
00-2933A: For the Purpose of Authorizing an Amendment to the Intergovernmental Agreement With the City of Portland Regarding the Civic Stadium and the Portland Center For the Performing Arts. 00-2933A 04/13/2000
00-2934: For the Purpose of Requesting Periodic Review of the Regional Urban Growth Boundary. 00-2934 04/13/2000
00-2935: For the Purpose of Amending the Year 2000 Growth Management Committee Work Plan. 00-2935 04/13/2000
Council Agenda AGEN00/00043 04/13/2000
Metro Council - Council Meeting Records - Recordings - Council TAPE00/36 04/13/2000
Council Minutes MIN00/00031 04/13/2000