Records - allRelated:14575 (97-715B-02) - 30+ records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
98-732: For the Purpose of Revising Quasi-Judicial Urban Growth Boundary Amendment Procedures in Metro Code 3.01.033, 3.01.035, 3.01.055, 3.01.065 and Declaring an Emergency. 98-732 04/16/1998
00-871A: For the Purpose of Completing Council Consideration of Urban Growth Boundary Amendments Required By ORS 197.299, Completing Periodic Review Work Task 1 and Adopting Amendments to the Regional Framework Plan and Section 2.01 of the Metro Code 00-871A 10/26/2000
97-715B: For the Purpose of Adopting the Regional Framework Plan. 97-715B-02 12/11/1997
00-885: For the Purpose of Amending Title 8 of the Urban Growth Management Functional Plan, Ordinance No. 96-647C, and the Regional Framework Plan, Ordinance No. 97-715B, to Relieve Local Governments From Compliance With Metro's Urban Growth Management Functional Plan When Necessary to Respond to Valid Claims Made Under Ballot Measure 7 00-885 12/31/2000
01-925E: For the Purpose of Amending the Metro Code Title 8 (Compliance Procedures) and Title 1 (Requirements For Housing and Employment Accommodation) of the Urban Growth Management Functional Plan and Section 7.5 of the Regional Framework Plan Ordinance 97-715B to Revise the Process For Adjudication and Determination of Consistency of Local Comprehensive Plans With the Urban Growth Management Functional Plan, and to Revise the Processes and Criteria For Exceptions From and Extensions to Comply With the Functional Plan: and Declaring an Emergency 01-925E 01/24/2002
01-929A: For the Purpose of Amending the Regional Framework Plan Ordinance No. 97-715B and Metro Code Sections 3.01.010, 3.01.025, 3.01.030, 3.01.035, 3.01.040, 3.01.045, 3.01.050, 3.01.055, 3.01.060. 3.01.065, and 30.07.1120 and Repealing Metro Code Sections 3.01.037 and 3.01.075 to Revise the Scope and the Criteria For Quasi-Judicial Amendments to the Urban Growth Boundary; and Declaring an Emergency 01-929A 12/13/2001
02-939A: For the Purpose of Amending Metro Code Chapter 7.01 to Amend the Metro Excise Tax to Provide Revenues For Metro's Regional Parks and Greenspaces Programs. 02-939A 03/28/2002
02-969B: For the Purpose of Amending the Metro Urban Growth Boundary, the Regional Framework Plan and the Metro Code in Order to Increase the Capacity of the Boundary to Accommodate Population Growth to the Year 2022 02-969B-01 12/05/2002
02-969B: For the Purpose of Amending the Metro Urban Growth Boundary, the Regional Framework Plan and the Metro Code in Order to Increase the Capacity of the Boundary to Accommodate Population Growth to the Year 2022 02-969B-02 12/05/2002
02-969B: For the Purpose of Amending the Metro Urban Growth Boundary, the Regional Framework Plan and the Metro Code in Order to Increase the Capacity of the Boundary to Accommodate Population Growth to the Year 2022 02-969B-03 12/05/2002
02-969B: For the Purpose of Amending the Metro Urban Growth Boundary, the Regional Framework Plan and the Metro Code in Order to Increase the Capacity of the Boundary to Accommodate Population Growth to the Year 2022 02-969B-04 12/05/2002
02-969B: For the Purpose of Amending the Metro Urban Growth Boundary, the Regional Framework Plan and the Metro Code in Order to Increase the Capacity of the Boundary to Accommodate Population Growth to the Year 2022 02-969B-05 12/05/2002
02-969B: For the Purpose of Amending the Metro Urban Growth Boundary, the Regional Framework Plan and the Metro Code in Order to Increase the Capacity of the Boundary to Accommodate Population Growth to the Year 2022 02-969B-06 12/05/2002
03-1003: For the Purpose of Amending the Regional Framework Plan and the Metro Code to Implement 26-29; and Declaring an Emergency. 03-1003 05/15/2003