Records - allRelated:14794 (AGEN00/00181) - 11 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
00-882C: For the Purpose of Amending the Regional Framework Plan Ordinance No. 97-715B Regarding Housing and Affordable Housing Including Policy Section 1.3 and Amendments to the Urban Growth Management Functional Plan Titles 7 and 8, Ordinance No. 96-647C 00-882C 01/18/2001
00-2971A: For the Purpose of Granting Time Extensions For the City of Portland For Compliance With Title 3 of the Urban Growth Management Functional Plan. 00-2971A 11/16/2000
00-2999: For the Purpose of Adopting the Portland Area Air Quality Conformity Determination For the 2000 Regional Transportation Plan. 00-2999 11/16/2000
00-3001A: For the Purpose of Amending the FY 2000-03 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) to Include $3,443,122 of CMAQ Funds For High-Speed Rail Track Improvements in the Portland Area. 00-3001A 11/16/2000
00-2995A: For the Purpose of Making Citizen Appointments to the Transportation Policy Alternatives Committee (TPAC). 00-2995A 11/16/2000
00-3002: For the Purpose of Amending the Intergovernmental Agreement With Washington County For the Wilsonville/Beaverton Transit Corridor Study, Contract No. 921738. 00-3002 11/16/2000
00-3004: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Executive Officer to Execute a Natural Area Management Agreement With the Jackson Bottom Wetlands Preserve For the Management of Property in the Jackson Bottom - Dairy/McKay Creeks Target Area 00-3004 11/16/2000
Council Minutes MIN00/00129 11/16/2000
Metro Council - Council Meeting Records - Recordings - Council TAPE00/136 11/16/2000
Council Meeting Packet MP00/143 11/16/2000
Council Agenda AGEN00/00181 11/16/2000