Records - allRelated:15306 (MP97/38-03) - 12 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
97-703: For the Purpose of Granting a Franchise to K.B. Recycling Inc. Systems For Operating a Solid Waste Processing and Recovery Facility. 97-703 06/26/1996
97-704: For the Purpose of Granting a Franchise to K.B. Recycling Inc. Systems For Operating a Solid Waste Processing and Recovery Facility. 97-704 06/26/1996
97-2519: For the Purpose of Approving a Marina Lease Between Metro/MERC and John and Nancy Murray of White Marine Services. 97-2519 06/12/1997
97-2508: For the Purpose of Establishing a Policy For the Use of the Balance of Funds Transferred From Multnomah County in the Final Consolidation Agreement Previously Known as the Natural Area Fund. 97-2508 06/12/1997
97-2517: For the Purpose of Appointing Members to the Water Resources Policy Advisory Committee (WRPAC). 97-2517 06/12/1997
97-2498: For the Purpose of Endorsing the Interim Corridor Strategy For the Portland To Lincoln City Corridor. 97-2498 06/12/1997
97-2516: For the Purpose of Appointing Gary Boehm, Jim Bennett, Sheryl Butler, and Larry Hollibaugh to Fill Three Expiring Terms and One Newly Created Position on North Portland Rehabilitation and Enhancement Committee. 97-2516 06/12/1997
97-2518: For the Purpose of Approving a Sole Source Grant Contract With the Oregon Food Bank to Assist With a Produce Recovery and Redistribution Program. 97-2518 06/12/1997
97-2514: For the Purpose of Amending the Fanno Creek Greenway Target Area Refinement Plan. 97-2514 06/12/1997
Council Agenda AGEN97/00026 06/12/1997
Council Minutes MIN97/00024 06/12/1997
Council Meeting Packet MP97/38-03 06/12/1997