Records - allRelated:1543 (79-9) - 13 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
79-26: For the Purpose of Amending the Adopted Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and Its Annual Element to Include Transit Capital and Operating Assistance Projects. 79-26 02/22/1979
79-39: For the Purpose of Amending the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) to Authorize $75,250 of Interstate Transfer Funds From the Contingency Account For Cost Overruns on the Progress Offramp Construction Project. 79-39 04/12/1979
79-42: For the Purpose of Amending the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) to Include a Tri-Met Project For Repowering 200 Buses. 79-42 04/26/1979
79-43: For the Purpose of Authorizing $204,000 of the Funds Allocated to the Macadam Avenue Project For Preliminary Engineering on the South Portland Circulation Project and Amending the TIP Accordingly. 79-43 04/26/1979
79-48: For the Purpose of Amending the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) to Include a Revision to Tri-Met's Bus Radio Project. 79-48 05/10/1979
79-55: For the Purpose of Amending the FY 1979 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Annual Element. 79-55 06/28/1979
79-0079: For the Purpose of Amending the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) to Authorize $168,212 of Interstate Transfer Funds From the Contingency Account For Cost Increases on the Scholls/Allen Signal and Greenburg Road Projects. 79-0079 08/23/1979
Council Agenda MEET22/1959 01/18/1979
Council Minutes MEET21/458 01/18/1979
79-62: For the Purpose of Authorizing Interstate Funding For Preliminary Engineering and For Construction of Phase I of the I-5 North Freeway Improvement and Management Program and Amending the Annual Element of the Transportation Improvement Program. 79-62 07/26/1979
79-63: For the Purpose of Amending the Transportation Improvement Program and Its Annual Element to Include a New City of Portland FAU Project. 79-63 07/26/1979
Council Meeting Packet MP79/3 01/18/1979
79-9: For the Purpose of Authorizing Interstate Transfer Funds and Amending the Adopted Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and Its Annual Element. 79-9 01/18/1979