Records - allRelated:155101 (07-1144B) - 30+ records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
07-1144B: Adopting the Annual Budget For Fiscal Year 2007-08, Making Appropriations, Levying Ad Valorem Taxes, and Declaring an Emergency. 07-1144B 06/21/2007
07-1160B: Amending the FY 2007-08 Budget and Appropriations Schedule to Implement Council Projects; and Declaring an Emergency. 07-1160B 09/27/2007
Council Work Session Agenda AGEN07/00118 09/04/2007
Council Work Session Meeting Packet MP07/88 09/04/2007
Council Work Session Minutes MIN07/00103 09/04/2007
07-1158: Amending the FY 2007-08 Budget and Appropriations Schedule Recognizing Changes in Elected Officials Salaries and Declaring an Emergency. 07-1158 09/27/2007
08-1170: Amending FY 2007-08 Budget and Appropriations Transferring Appropriations in the MERC Operation Fund and Declaring an Emergency. 08-1170 01/17/2008
08-1171: Amending the FY 2007-08 Budget and Appropriations Schedule Recognizing Donations to the Oregon Zoo, Amending the FY 2007-08 Through FY 2011-12 Capital Improvement Plan, and Declaring an Emergency. 08-1171 01/31/2008
08-1172: Amending the FY 2007-08 Budget and Appropriations Schedule Transferring Contingency in the Metro Capital Fund to the Oregon Zoo Capital Projects Account For Storm Water System Improvements, Amending the FY 2007-08 Through FY 2011-12 Capital Improvement Plan, and Declaring an Emergency 08-1172 01/31/2008
08-1173: Amending the FY 2007-08 Budget and Appropriations Schedule to Release Contingency Funds Earmarked For Various Planning Department Projects, Authorizing the Addition of 3.0 FTE and Declaring an Emergency. 08-1173 02/07/2008
08-1174: Amending the FY 2007-08 Budget and Appropriations Schedule to Recognize New Grant and Intergovernmental Revenues For the Regional Parks Department, Establish Appropriation For New Parks Projects, and Declaring an Emergency. 08-1174 01/31/2008
08-1175: Amending the FY 2007-08 Budget and Appropriations Schedule Moving Appropriation Authority From Contingency to Operating Expenses to Plan the Special Parks District Forum, and Declaring an Emergency. 08-1175 01/31/2008
08-1176: Amending the FY 2007-08 Budget and Appropriations Schedule Providing For a Contribution to the Oregon Zoo Predators of the Serengeti Capital Construction Project, and Declaring an Emergency. 08-1176 03/27/2008
08-1177: Amending the FY 2007-08 Budget and Appropriations Schedule Transferring $2,800,000 from Solid Waste Revenue Fund Contingency to the Operating Account to Provide For Additional Costs Incurred as a Result of Increased Tonnage, and Declaring an Emergency 08-1177 03/27/2008
08-1178: Amending the FY 2007-08 Budget and Appropriations Schedule to Establish Appropriation For a New Human Resources Project, Increasing Public Affairs Appropriation, and Declaring an Emergency. 08-1178 03/27/2008