Records - allRelated:158420 (07-3831B.01) - 30+ records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
07-3831B: For the Purpose of Approving the Federal Component of the 2035 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Update, Pending Air Quality Conformity Analysis. 07-3831B.01 12/13/2007
Joint Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation (JPACT) Agenda MEET07/426 11/08/2007
Transportation Policy Alternatives Committee (TPAC) Minutes MEET07/447 11/30/2007
Council Meeting Packet MP07/122-02 12/13/2007
08-3891: For the Purpose of Approving Portland Regional Federal Transportation Priorities for Federal Fiscal Year 2009 Appropriations. 08-3891 02/14/2008
08-3911: For the Purpose of Approving the Air Quality Conformity Determination For the Federal Component of the 2035 Regional Transportation Plan and Reconforming the 2008-2011 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program. 08-3911 02/28/2008
08-3919: For the Purpose of Adopting the Regional Travel Options 2008-2013 Strategic Plan. 08-3919 04/03/2008
08-3934: For the Purpose of Amending the 2035 Regional Transportation Plan and the 2008-11 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) to add a Safe Routes to Schools Pedestrian Project. 08-3934 04/24/2008
08-3948: For the Purpose of Establishing Metro Council Responses to the Draft Environmental Impact For the Columbia River Crossing Project. 08-3948 05/30/2008
08-3938B: For the Purpose of Providing Metro Council Direction to Its Delegate Concerning Key Preliminary Decisions Leading to a Future Locally Preferred Alternative Decision For the Proposed Columbia Crossing Project. 08-3938B 06/05/2008
08-3960B: For the Purpose of Endorsing the Locally Preferred Alternative For the Columbia River Crossing Project and Amending the Metro 2035 Regional Transportation Plan With Conditions. 08-3960B 07/17/2008
08-3973: For the Purpose of Approving the Air Quality Conformity Determination for the Oregon Highway 213/Redlands Road Improvements as Part of the Federal Component of the Amended 2035 Regional Transportation Plan and Amended 2008-2011 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program 08-3973 10/02/2008
08-3974: For the Purpose of Amending the Federal Component of the 2035 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and the 2008-11 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) to Add the Highway 213 at Redland Road Intersection Project. 08-3974 10/02/2008
09-4018: For the Purpose of Approval of the Regional Travel Options Program Work Plan and Funding Suballocations For Fiscal Year 2009-2010. 09-4018 01/19/2009
09-4052: For the Purpose of Adopting the Regional High Capacity Transit System Tiers and Corridors, System Expansion Policy Framework and Policy Amendments For Addition to the 2035 Regional Transportation Plan, State Component. 09-4052 07/09/2009