Records - allRelated:158420 (07-3831B.01) - 30+ records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
07-3831B: For the Purpose of Approving the Federal Component of the 2035 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Update, Pending Air Quality Conformity Analysis. 07-3831B.01 12/13/2007
10-4118: For the Purpose of Endorsing the Southwest High Capacity Transit (HCT) Corridor- HCT Corridor #11, Portland to Sherwood in the Vicinity of Barbur Boulevard/OR 99W - As the Next Regional Priority to Advance Into Alternatives Analysis. 10-4118 02/25/2010
10-1241B: For the Purpose of Amending the 2004 Regional Transportation Plan to Comply With State Law; To Add the Regional Transportation Systems Management and Operations Action Plan, the Regional Freight Plan and the High Capacity Transit System Plan; To Amend the Regional Transportation Functional Plan and Add it to the Metro Code; To Amend the Regional Framework Plan; And to Amend the Urban Growth Management Functional Plan 10-1241B 06/10/2010
10-4150A: For the Purpose of Approving the Air Quality Conformity Determination for the 2035 Regional Transportation Plan and the 2010-2013 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program. 10-4150A 06/10/2010
10-4139: For the Purpose of Approval of the Regional Travel Options Program Work Plan and Funding Sub-Allocations For Fiscal Year 2010-2011. 10-4139 05/20/2010
11-4264: For the Purpose of Concluding That the Concerns and Considerations Raised About the Columbia River Crossing Project in Exhibit A to Resolution No. 08-3960B Have Been Addressed Satisfactorily. 11-4264 06/09/2011
11-4265: For the Purpose of Adopting the Regional High Capacity Transit System Expansion Policy Implementation Guidance. 11-4265 07/14/2011
11-4288: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Council President to Sign the Final Environmental Impact Statement For the Columbia River Crossing Project. 11-4288 09/08/2011
14-4533: For the Purpose of Approving the Environmental Justice and Title VI Assessment for the 2014 Regional Transportation Plan and the 2015-2018 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program. 14-4533 07/17/2014