Records - allRelated:178741 (08-3940) - 9 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
Council Meeting Packet MP08/129 06/26/2008
Council Minutes MIN08/00118 06/26/2008
Metro Council Action Update for Thursday, June 26, 2008. MEET08/356 06/26/2008
Council Agenda AGEN08/00146 06/26/2008
09-4099: For the Purpose of Accepting the Draft 2035 Regional Transportation Plan, With the Following Elements, For Final Review and Analysis For Air Quality Conformance: The Transportation Systems Management and Operations Action Plan; The Regional Freight Plan; the High Capacity Transit System Plan; and the Regional Transportation Functional Plan 09-4099 12/17/2009
10-1231B: For the Purpose of Determining That Providing Financial Resources to Increase the Supply of Affordable Housing Is a Matter of Metropolitan Concern. 10-1231B 02/11/2010
10-1241B: For the Purpose of Amending the 2004 Regional Transportation Plan to Comply With State Law; To Add the Regional Transportation Systems Management and Operations Action Plan, the Regional Freight Plan and the High Capacity Transit System Plan; To Amend the Regional Transportation Functional Plan and Add it to the Metro Code; To Amend the Regional Framework Plan; And to Amend the Urban Growth Management Functional Plan 10-1241B 06/10/2010
18-1423: For the Purpose of Determining that Affordable Housing is a Matter of Metropolitan Concern and Undertaking an Affordable Housing Function. 18-1423 06/28/2018
08-3940: For the Purpose of Affirming a Definition of a "Successful Region" and Committing Metro to Work With Regional Partners to Identify Performance Indicators and Targets and to Develop a Decision-Making Process to Create Successful Communities. 08-3940 06/26/2008