Records - allRelated:18630 (02-940B-03) - 30+ records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
Council Minutes MIN02/00026 03/07/2002
Council Meeting Packet MP02/17 03/07/2002
02-956: An Ordinance Amending the FY 2002-03 Budget and Appropriations Schedule By Recognizing $28,039 in Additional Grant Funds and Increasing Appropriations in the General Revenue Bond Fund For the Council Chambers Camera Project; and Declaring an Emergency 02-956 08/01/2002
Metro Council Committee Meeting Records - Budget and Finance Committee Minutes MIN02/00086 05/22/2002
Metro Council Committee Meeting Records - Budget and Finance Committee Meeting Packet MP02/76 05/22/2002
02-940B: For the Purpose of Adopting the Annual Budget For Fiscal Year 2002-03, Making Appropriations, and Levying Ad Valorem Taxes, and Declaring an Emergency. 02-940B-03 06/13/2002
Metro Council Committee Meeting Records - Budget and Finance Committee Agenda AGEN02/00144 06/26/2002
Metro Council Committee Meeting Records - Budget and Finance Committee Minutes MIN02/00098 06/26/2002
Metro Council Committee Meeting Records - Budget and Finance Committee Meeting Packet MP02/87 06/26/2002
02-962: An Ordinance Amending the FY 2002-03 Budget and Appropriations Schedule For the Purpose of Transferring $72,000 From the Planning Fund Contingency to Capital Outlay to Provide Appropriation Authority For the Carryover and Completion of the TRANSIMS Computer Purchase; and Declaring an Emergency 02-962 09/19/2002
02-971: For the Purpose of Amending the FY 2002-03 Budget and Appropriations Schedule Recognizing $411,051 in Grant Funds From Various State, Federal and Private Sources; and Increasing the Regional Parks Fund Operating Expenses By $411,051 02-971 11/14/2002
02-982: An Ordinance Amending the FY 2002-03 Budget and Appropriations Schedule to Recognize $104,570 in Grant Funds and Government Contributions From Various State and Local Sources; Transferring $25,430 From Contingency to Operating Expenses; Increasing the Regional Parks Fund Operating Expenses By $130,000; Amending the FY 2002-03 Capital Improvement Plan; and Declaring an Emergency 02-982 11/14/2002
03-995: For the Purpose of Amending the FY 2002-03 Budget and Appropriations Schedule By Transferring $3,500,000 From Contingency to the Debt Service Account, Authorizing Defeasance of Certain Solid Waste Revenue Bonds, and Declaring an Emergency 03-995 02/27/2003
03-997: For the Purpose of Amending the FY 2002-03 Budget and Appropriations Schedule By Transferring $10,786 From the General Revenue Bond Fund Contingency to Capital Outlay and Interfund Transfers to Provide Appropriation Authority For the Carryover and Completion of the Council Chamber Camera Project; and Declaring an Emergency 03-997 03/27/2003
03-988: For the Purpose of Amending the FY 2002-03 Budget and Appropriations Schedule By Transferring $740,000 From Contingency in the MERC Operating Fund to Transfer of Resources (to the Convention Center Project Capital Fund); and Declaring an Emergency 03-998 04/03/2003