Records - allRelated:193793 (AGEN09/00018) - 11 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
Council Minutes MIN09/00016 02/26/2009
Council 09/24 02/26/2009
09-4030: For the Purpose of Confirming the Appointment of Peter Brandom to the Solid Waste Rate Review Committee (RRC). 09-4030 02/26/2009
09-4028: Resolution of Metro Council, Acting as the Metro Contract Review Board, For the Purpose of Approving a Contract Amendment For the Predators of the Serengeti Exhibit and Red Ape Reserve Exhibits at the Oregon Zoo. 09-4028 02/26/2009
09-1210: For the Purpose of Amending Metro Code Section 4.01.050 (a) Admission Fees, Effective June 1, 2009. 09-1210 02/26/2009
09-1211A: For the Purpose of Amending Metro Code, Chapter 10.02 Regional Park Fees, Section 10.02.020, to Adjust Park Entry Fees and Delegate to the Chief Operating Officer the Authority to Set All Other Regional Park Use Fees and Rental Fees. 09-1211A 02/26/2009
09-1212: Amending the FY 2008-09 Budget and Appropriations Schedule By Recognizing Donations to the Oregon Zoo, Amending the Capital Improvement Plan, and Declaring an Emergency. 09-1212 02/26/2009
09-4020: Authorizing the Chief Operating Officer to Purchase Certain Property in the Willamette Narrows and Canemah Bluff Target Area Under the 2006 Natural Areas Bond Measure and Subject to Unusual Circumstances. 09-4020 02/26/2009
Metro Council Action Update for Thursday, February 26, 2009 MEET09/77 02/26/2009
Council Meeting Packet MP09/16 02/26/2009
Council Agenda AGEN09/00018 02/26/2009