Records - allRelated:2040 (84-498) - 20 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
84-508: For the Purpose of Amending the Transportation Improvement Program to Include a Freeway Illumination Project in the City of Portland. 84-508 10/25/1984
84-517: For the Purpose of Amending the Transportation Improvement Program to Include a Brookwood Avenue Bridge Replacement Project Over Rock Creek in Washington County. 84-517 11/20/1984
84-518: For the Purpose of Amending the Transportation Improvement Program to Include a Reconstruction and Replacement Project For Two Retaining Walls on N.W. Cornell Road in the Vicinity of N.W. 29th/30th Avenues. 84-518 11/20/1984
84-528: For the Purpose of Amending the Transportation Improvement Program to Include Two New Projects: Fernhill Road Bridges Replacement and Interstate Bridge Railing Replacement. 84-528 01/10/1985
85-566: For the Purpose of Authorizing Federal Funds For Eight 16(b) (2) Special Transportation Projects and Amending the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). 85-566 05/23/1985
85-567: For the Purpose of Amending the Transportation Improvement Program to Incorporate Urban Mass Transportation Administration Grant Applications For 20 Accessible Vans. 85-567 05/23/1985
85-568: For the Purpose of Amending the Transportation Improvement Program to Include an I-5 Pavement Subsidence Geological Investigation Project. 85-568 05/23/1985
85-560: For the Purpose of Approving the FY 1985 Highway Allocations Plan For the Interstate Transfer Program and Amending the Transportation Improvement Program Accordingly. 85-560 04/25/1985
85-561: For the Purpose of Amending the Transportation Improvement Program to Include a Fremont Bridge Debris Control Fencing Project. 85-561 04/25/1985
85-569: For the Purpose of Amending the Transportation Improvement Program to Include a Project to Implement Immediate Emergency Repairs on the Hawthorne Bridge. 85-569 04/25/1985
85-570: For the Purpose of Amending the Transportation Improvement Program to Expand the Scope of the Multnomah County SE Stark Street Project. 85-570 05/23/1985
85-576: For the Purpose of Amending the Transportation Improvement Program to Include an Interstate Bridge Northbound Lift Span Improvement Project. 85-576 06/27/1985
85-582: For the Purpose of Amending the FY 1985 Transportation Improvement Program to Include an Updated Program of Projects Using Section 9 Funds. 85-582 07/25/1985
Council/Executive Session Minutes MEET22/691 09/25/1984
Council/Executive Session Agenda MEET21/1849 09/25/1984