Records - allRelated:20418 (MIN03/00083) - 11 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
Council Agenda AGEN03/00067 03/13/2003
03-3267: For the Purpose of Confirming the Reappointment of Jim Stahly, Dale MacHaffie, and Scott Rosenlund to the Metro Central Station Community Enhancement Committee. 03-3267 03/13/2003
03-3297: For the Purpose of Providing Direction to Pac/West Communications Concerning Bills Before the 2003 Oregon Legislature. 03-3297 03/13/2003
03-3285: For the Purpose of Approving Amendment No. 2 to the Latex Paint Warehouse Lease, Contract No. 922707. 03-3285 03/13/2003
03-3281: In Consideration of Resolution No. 03-3281, For the Purpose of Finding RACC a Sole Source Provider, Exempting Competitive Bidding, and Authorizing Execution of a Contract. 03-3281 03/20/2003
Council TAPE03/53 03/13/2003
Council Meeting Packet MP03/76 03/13/2003
03-996: For the Purpose of Increasing Grave Prices, Procuring A Niche Wall, and Establishing a Cemetery Surcharge. 03-996 03/27/2003
03-997: For the Purpose of Amending the FY 2002-03 Budget and Appropriations Schedule By Transferring $10,786 From the General Revenue Bond Fund Contingency to Capital Outlay and Interfund Transfers to Provide Appropriation Authority For the Carryover and Completion of the Council Chamber Camera Project; and Declaring an Emergency 03-997 03/27/2003
03-3279: For the Purpose of Directing the Chief Operating Officer to Submit an Amendment to the Periodic Review Work Order to the Department of Land Conservation and Development to Add Task 3 to Meet the Remaining Need For Industrial Land. 03-3279 03/27/2003
Council Minutes MIN03/00083 03/13/2003