Records - allRelated:210291 (10-4173) - 12 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
92-1637: For the Purpose of Considering Adoption of the Metropolitan Greenspaces Master Plan. 92-1637 07/23/1992
96-2362: For the Purpose of Approving a Refinement Plan For the OMSI to Springwater Corridor Target Area as Outlined in the Open Space Implementation Work Plan. 96-2362 07/25/1996
01-3134: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Executive Officer to Purchase the Union Pacific Properties in the OMSI to Springwater Corridor Target Area. 01-3134 12/06/2001
06-3672B: For the Purpose of Submitting to the Voters of the Metro Area a General Obligation Bond Indebtedness in the Amount of $227.4 Million to Fund Natural Area Acquisition and Water Quality Protection. 06-3672B 03/09/2006
07-3766A: Authorizing the Chief Operating Officer to Purchase Property With Accepted Acquisition Guidelines as Outlined in the Natural Areas Implementation Work Plan. 07-3766A 03/01/2007
07-3841: Approving the Natural Areas Acquisition Refinement Plan For the Springwater Corridor Target Area. 07-3841 09/06/2007
Council Agenda AGEN10/00063 08/05/2010
Council Minutes MIN10/00052 08/05/2010
Council Meeting Packet MP10/79 08/05/2010
Metro Council Action Update for Thursday, August 5, 2010 MEET10/737 08/05/2010
15-4645: Resolution of the Metro Council Acting as the Metro Contract Review Board, For the Purpose of Authorizing an Exemption to the Competitive Bidding Procedures for a Public Improvement Contract. 15-4645 10/01/2015
10-4173: Authorizing the Chief Operating Officer to Purchase a Quitclaim and Release of Certain Real Property Interests, Partly In Exchange For Real Property Owned By Metro, in the Springwater Corridor Target Area. 10-4173 08/05/2010