Records - allRelated:215678 (11-1253C) - 30+ records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
11-1253C: Adopting the Annual Budget For Fiscal Year FY 2011-12, Making Appropriations, Levying Ad Valorem Taxes, Authorizing an Interfund Loan and Declaring Emergency. 11-1253C 06/23/2011
Special Budget Work Session Agenda AGEN11/00043 04/14/2011
Special Budget Work Session Minutes MIN11/00035 04/14/2011
Council Special Budget Work Session Meeting Packet MP11/39 04/14/2011
11-1265A: Amending the FY 2011-12 Budget and Appropriations Schedule, Recognizing New Grants, Donations and Other Contributions, Authorizing New FTE, Amending the FY 2011-12 Through 2015-16 Capital Improvement Plan, and Declaring an Emergency. 11-1265A 12/01/2011
11-1266: Amending the FY 2011-12 Budget and Appropriations Schedule, Recognizing New Capital Project Sponsorship Contributions, Providing Capital Project Appropriation and Declaring an Emergency. 11-1266 12/08/2011
11-1267: For the Purpose of Amending the FY 2011-12 Budget and Appropriations Schedule Increasing 0.25 FTE in the Pioneer Cemetery Program, and Declaring an Emergency. 11-1267 12/15/2011
12-1269: Amending the FY 2011-12 Budget and Appropriations Schedule For Increased Operations For a New Cirque Du Soleil Event at the Expo Center, and Funding For Implementing the Expo Center Marketing and Communication Plan. 12-1269 01/26/2012
12-1270: Amending the FY 2011-12 Budget and Appropriations Schedule and the FY 2011-12 Through 2015-16 Capital Improvement Plan. 12-1270 01/26/2012
12-1271: Amending the FY 2011-12 Budget and Appropriations Schedule Increasing a Net 0.50 FTE in the Research Center. 12-1271 01/26/2012
12-1273: Amending the FY 2011-12 Budget and Appropriations Schedule, Recognizing New Grants, Donations and Other Contributions and Amending the FY 2011-12 Through 2015-16 Capital Improvement Plan. 12-1273 03/22/2012
12-1279: Amending the FY 2011-12 Budget and Appropriations Schedule and Amending the FY 2011-12 Through FY 2015-16 Capital Improvement Plan. 12-1279 06/21/2012
Adopted Budget FY2011-12 Volume One ACCT15/272 06/30/2011
Adopted Budget FY2011-12 Volume Two ACCT15/273 06/30/2011
Adopted Budget FY2011-12 Volume Three ACCT15/274 06/30/2011