Records - allRelated:2158 (86-620) - 26 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
06-3699: For the Purpose of Confirming the Appointments of Bonnie Metzler and Doug Ray and Reappointment of Sarah Barrett to the North Portland Rehabilitation and Enhancement Committee (NPREC). 06-3699 05/18/2006
08-3946: For the Purpose of Confirming the Appointment of David Davies and Cece Hughley Noel to the North Portland Rehabilitation and Enhancement Committee (NPREC). 08-3946 05/15/2008
09-4041: For the Purpose of Confirming the Reappointments of Christine Duffy, Robin Plance, Michael Salvo and Doretta Schrock to the North Portland Rehabilitation and Enhancement Committee (NPREC). 09-4041 04/02/2009
Council Minutes MEET22/962 01/23/1986
Council Agenda MEET21/1899 01/23/1986
86-627: For the Purpose of Appointing Members to the North Portland Rehabilitation and Enhancement Advisory Committee. 86-627 01/23/1986
01-3079: For the Purpose of Confirming the Appointments of Jean Estey-Hoops, Jason Graf, Susan Landauer and Trevor Nelson to Fill Four Expiring Terms on the North Portland Rehabilitation and Enhancement Committee. 01-3079 07/05/2001
86-682: For the Purpose of Creating the North Portland Rehabilitation and Enhancement Committee. 86-682 08/28/1986
86-719: For the Purpose of Appointing Three Citizens to the North Portland Rehabilitation and Enhancement Committee. 86-719 12/18/1986
87-819: For the Purpose of Adopting Resolution No. 87-819 Approving the Recommendations of the North Portland Enhancement Committee For the Expenditure of $40,000 From the Rehabilitation and Enhancement Fund. 87-819 10/22/1987
89-1044: For the Purpose of Reappointing Pamela Arden and Steven Roso and Appointing Michael Vernon to the North Portland Rehabilitation and Enhancement Committee. 89-1044 01/26/1989
92-1544: For the Purpose of Appointing Jim Michels to Fill a Vacancy on the North Portland Rehabilitation and Enhancement Committee. 92-1544 01/23/1992
93-1675: For the Purpose of Appointing Jeffrey Kee, Jim Michels and Larry Scruggs to Fill Three Expiring Terms on the North Portland Rehabilitation and Enhancement Committee. 93-1675 01/14/1993
94-1921: For the Purpose of Appointing John A. Hilton to Fill a Vacancy on the North Portland Rehabilitation and Enhancement Committee. 94-1921 03/24/1994
94-1980: For the Purpose of Appointing Laurel Butman, Marsha Everett and Jana Ripley to Fill Three Expiring Terms on the North Portland Rehabilitation and Enhancement Committee. 94-1980 12/22/1994