Records - allRelated:2220 (86-682) - 20 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
86-719: For the Purpose of Appointing Three Citizens to the North Portland Rehabilitation and Enhancement Committee. 86-719 12/18/1986
87-819: For the Purpose of Adopting Resolution No. 87-819 Approving the Recommendations of the North Portland Enhancement Committee For the Expenditure of $40,000 From the Rehabilitation and Enhancement Fund. 87-819 10/22/1987
86-620: For the Purpose of Establishing the North Portland Rehabilitation and Enhancement Advisory Committee. 86-620 01/23/1986
Council Agenda MEET21/1907 08/28/1986
Council Minutes MEET22/981 08/28/1986
88-1010: For the Purpose of Revising the Duties and Responsibilities of the North Portland Enhancement Committee as Established By Resolution No. 86-682. 88-1010 11/10/1988
89-1044: For the Purpose of Reappointing Pamela Arden and Steven Roso and Appointing Michael Vernon to the North Portland Rehabilitation and Enhancement Committee. 89-1044 01/26/1989
92-1544: For the Purpose of Appointing Jim Michels to Fill a Vacancy on the North Portland Rehabilitation and Enhancement Committee. 92-1544 01/23/1992
93-1675: For the Purpose of Appointing Jeffrey Kee, Jim Michels and Larry Scruggs to Fill Three Expiring Terms on the North Portland Rehabilitation and Enhancement Committee. 93-1675 01/14/1993
93-1879: For the Purpose of Filling a Vacancy on the North Portland Enhancement Committee 93-1879 07/15/1998
94-1921: For the Purpose of Appointing John A. Hilton to Fill a Vacancy on the North Portland Rehabilitation and Enhancement Committee. 94-1921 03/24/1994
94-1980: For the Purpose of Appointing Laurel Butman, Marsha Everett and Jana Ripley to Fill Three Expiring Terms on the North Portland Rehabilitation and Enhancement Committee. 94-1980 12/22/1994
94-536: An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 93-487A Revising the FY 1993-94 Budget and Appropriations Schedule For the Purpose of Funding a Request From the North Portland Enhancement Committee to Provide Grants From the Rehabilitation and Enhancement Fund, North Portland Enhancement Account, For New Construction to Fund an Improvement Project at Delauney Family of Services and For Project Start-Up of the Multnomah Community Development Corporation; and Declaring an Emergency 94-536 04/14/1994
97-2485: For the Purpose of Increasing the Citizen Membership to Seven and Redefining the Area From Which Each Member Must Reside For Membership on the North Portland Enhancement Committee. 97-2485 05/01/1997
97-2516: For the Purpose of Appointing Gary Boehm, Jim Bennett, Sheryl Butler, and Larry Hollibaugh to Fill Three Expiring Terms and One Newly Created Position on North Portland Rehabilitation and Enhancement Committee. 97-2516 06/12/1997