Records - allRelated:24293 (MIN03/00163) - 17 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
Council TAPE03/112 08/14/2003
Council Agenda AGEN03/00129 08/14/2003
03-1015: For the Purpose of Transferring $35,000 From the Zoo Capital Fund Capital Outlay to Zoo Capital Fund Personal Services; and Declaring an Emergency. 03-1015 09/04/2003
03-1016: For the Purpose of Amending Metro Code Section 4.01.050, and Revising Admission Fees at the Oregon Zoo Effective January 2, 2004. 03-1016 09/04/2003
03-3346: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Chief Operating Officer to Execute a Contract No. 925081 For Management of Retail Operations at the Oregon Zoo. 03-3346 08/14/2003
03-3358: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Chief Operation Officer to Issue a Metro Solid Waste Facility License to Mt. Hood Metals, Inc., D.B.A. Rivergate Reclamation, Inc. 03-3358 08/14/2003
03-3359: For the Purpose of Appointing Dresden Skees Gregory and Donald A. Warner to the Metro Committee For Citizen Involvement (MCCI). 03-3359 08/14/2003
03-3351: For the Purpose of Amending the Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program to Include the Revised South Corridor Light Rail Transit Project and Demonstrating Conformity of the Project, the Amended Regional Transportation Plan and Amended Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program With the State Implementation Plan 03-3351 08/14/2003
03-3360: For the Purpose of Amending the FY 2003-04 Unified Work Program ( UWP, UPWP) 03-3360 08/14/2003
03-3353: For the Purpose of Amending the 2002-2005 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program to Add Job Access and Reverse Commute Funds For the Ways to Work Program as Authorized By Congress in the Fiscal Year 2003 Appropriations Report 03-3353 08/14/2003
03-999: For the Purpose of Amending Metro Code Chapter 5.05 to Include the Wasco County Landfill on the List of Designated Facilities. 03-999 08/14/2003
03-1017: An Ordinance Authorizing Full Faith and Credit Obligations to Refund the Metro Regional Center Project Bonds and Other Outstanding Loans, Repealing Inconsistent Provisions of Metro Ordinances, and Declaring an Emergency. 03-1017 08/14/2003
03-3295: For the Purpose of Considering a Designated Facility Agreement With Waste Connections, Inc., For the Wasco County Landfill. 03-3295 08/14/2003
03-3296: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Chief Operating Officer to Execute Amendment No. 1 to Metro Contract No. 902860, a Designated Facility Agreement Between Metro and the Finley Buttes Landfill Company. 03-3296 08/14/2003
03-3363: For the Purpose of Establishing Performance Goals and Measures For the Chief Operating Officer For Fiscal Year 2003-04. 03-3363 08/14/2003