Records - allRelated:24977 (MP03/146) - 15 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
Council Agenda AGEN03/00157 09/04/2003
Council Minutes MIN03/00170 09/04/2003
03-3357: For the Purpose of Confirming the Re-appointment of Gloria Candanoza to the Investment Advisory Board. 03-3357 09/04/2003
03-1015: For the Purpose of Transferring $35,000 From the Zoo Capital Fund Capital Outlay to Zoo Capital Fund Personal Services; and Declaring an Emergency. 03-1015 09/04/2003
03-1016: For the Purpose of Amending Metro Code Section 4.01.050, and Revising Admission Fees at the Oregon Zoo Effective January 2, 2004. 03-1016 09/04/2003
03-3365: For the Purpose of Confirming the Appointments of Mark Altenhofen, Kevin Rauch and Terry Waddell to the Regional Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC). 03-3365 09/04/2003
03-1018A: For the Purpose of Amending Metro Code Chapter 5.01 Regarding Solid Waste Facility Regulation; and Declaring an Emergency. 03-1018A 10/09/2003
03-1019: For the Purpose of Amending Metro Code Chapter 5.05 Relating to Solid Waste Flow Control; and Declaring an Emergency. 03-1019 10/09/2003
03-1020: For the Purpose of Amending Metro Code Chapter 7.01 Regarding Solid Waste Facility Regulation. 03-1020 10/09/2003
03-3368: For the Purpose of Approving the Addition of the New Classification of Latex Retail Technician to Metro's Classification Plan. 03-3368 09/04/2003
03-3361: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Issuance of Request For Proposal 03-1082-BS, Administrative Record Keeping Services and Trust Services For the Metro Employee Salary Savings Plan. 03-3361 09/04/2003
03-3362: For the Purpose of Approving New Classification Specifications and Pay Schedule Resulting From the Classification/Compensation Study of Metro Non-Represented Positions. 03-3362 09/04/2003
03-3356: For the Purpose of Confirming the Council President's Appointment of Gale Castillo to the Metropolitan Exposition Recreation Commission. 03-3356 09/04/2003
03-3369A: For the Purpose of Endorsing the Objectives For Planning the Bethany Addition to the Urban Area. 03-3369A 09/04/2003
Council Meeting Packet MP03/146 09/04/2003