Records - allRelated:3176 (92-1600) - 7 records
Title (Free Text Part) | Record Number | Date Created / Date Adopted | |
86-676: For the Purpose of Adopting a Hazardous Waste Task Force Report. | 86-676 | 08/28/1986 |
91-1486: For the Purpose of Awarding a Two-Year Contract to Marx/Knoll, DeNight & Dodge to Design and Implement Recycling and Waste Reduction Education Campaigns to Support Metro's Waste Reduction Programs. | 91-1486 | 08/08/1991 |
Metro Council Committee Meeting Records - Solid Waste Committee Meeting Packet | MP92/0036 | 04/07/1992 | |
Council Agenda | MEET22/113 | 04/09/1992 |
Council Minutes | MEET22/1598 | 04/09/1992 |
Council Meeting Packet | MEET22/3431 | 04/09/1992 |
92-1600: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Executive Officer to Approve an Amendment to the Agreement With Marx/Knoll Denight and Dodge to Produce Two Handbooks in Cooperation With the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality. | 92-1600 | 04/09/1992 |