Records - allRelated:3242 (92-1666) - 30+ records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
98-2597: For the Purpose of Accepting New Nominees For January 1998 to the Metro Committee For Citizen Involvement (MCCI). 98-2597 01/22/1998
98-2616: For the Purpose of Accepting New Nominees For February 1998 to the Metro Committee For Citizen Involvement (MCCI). 98-2616 03/12/1998
97-2581A: For the Purpose of Accepting Nominees to the Metro Committee For Citizen Involvement (MCCI). 97-2581A 12/11/1997
98-2631: For the Purpose of Accepting a Nominee to the Metro Committee For Citizen Involvement (MCCI). 98-2631 05/14/1998
91-418B: An Ordinance Repealing the Columbia Region Association of Governments Land Use Goals and Objectives and Adopting the Regional Urban Growth Goals and Objectives (RUGGO's). 91-418B 09/26/1991
93-479A: An Ordinance Creating the Office Citizen Involvement; Establishing a Citizen's Involvement Committee and a Citizen Involvement Process; and Declaring an Emergency. 93-479A 01/14/1993
98-2667: For the Purpose of Accepting June 1998 Nominees to the Metro Committee For Citizen Involvement (MCCI). 98-2667 07/02/1998
91-1489B: A Resolution Adopting ByLaws For the Regional Policy Advisory Committee. 91-1489B 09/26/1991
92-1666: For the Purpose of Accepting Nominees to the Metro Committee For Citizen Involvement (MCCI). 92-1666 08/27/1992
98-2700: For the Purpose of Appointing Nominee Phil Dreyer to the Metro Committee For Citizen Involvement (MCCI). 98-2700 09/17/1998
99-2751A: For the Purpose of Accepting Nominee Ted Kyle to the Metro Committee For Citizen Involvement (MCCI). 99-2751A 02/04/1999
99-2801: For the Purpose of Appointing Four Nominees to the Metro Committee For Citizen Involvement (MCCI), May 1999. 99-2801 07/01/1999
99-2817: For the Purpose of Re-Appointing Steve Sechrist to the Metro Committee For Citizen Involvement (MCCI) in a New Councilor District. 99-2817 08/12/1999
99-2861: For the Purpose of Appointing the Metro Committee For Citizen Involvement (MCCI): Bill Kirby and Leeanne MacColl. 99-2861 12/02/1999
00-2881: For the Purpose of Appointing Kathryn Henton to the Metro Committee For Citizen Involvement (MCCI). 00-2881 01/27/2000