Records - allRelated:35207 (AGEN05/00013) - 9 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
05-1072: For the Purpose of Amending the FY 2004-05 Budget and Appropriations Schedule Accepting $850,000 of Federal Funds From the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) For a Regional Travel Options Marketing Campaign; Recognizing $150,000 of the New Grant Funds to Increase the Materials and Services Budget of the Planning Department to Hire Consultants to Develop and Implement the Marketing Campaign; Transferring $54,655 of TriMet Grant Funds From Contracted Services to Personal Services to Add 1.00 FTE Regional Travel Options Program Manager (Manager I); and Declaring an Emergency 05-1072 02/17/2005
05-1073: For the Purpose of Amending the FY 2004-05 Budget and Appropriations Schedule Recognizing $48,820 in Grant Funds and Private Contributions For Specific Projects in the Zoo Operating Fund; Adding $48,820 to Revenue and Operating Expenses in the Zoo Operating Fund; and Declaring an Emergency 05-1073 02/17/2005
05-3536: For the Purpose of Establishing the Regional Housing Choice Task Force and Its Duties and Responsibilities, and Appointing Its Members 05-3536 02/10/2005
05-3545: For the Purpose of Endorsing the Regional Water Supply Plan Update and the Amendments to the Intergovernmental Agreement Forming the Regional Water Providers Consortium 05-3545 02/10/2005
05-1071: For the Purpose of Amending the FY 2004-05 Budget and Appropriations Schedule Recognizing $10,000 in Grant Funds; Transferring $79,640 From the Regional Parks Operating Fund Contingency; Increasing Operating Expenditures in the Regional Parks Operating Fund By $89,640; Authorizing 1.0 FTE Receptionist Position; and Declaring an Emergency 05-1071 02/10/2005
Council Work Session Meeting Packet MP05/12 02/08/2005
Council Work Session Minutes MIN05/00011 02/08/2005
Goal 5 Record - Council Work Session Audio Tapes 05/18 02/08/2005
Council Work Session Agenda AGEN05/00013 02/08/2005