Records - allRelated:3544 (94-1973) - 13 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
94-1939: For the Purpose of Acquiring Legal Services For Opinion on Council Contracting Authority. 94-1939 03/24/1994
94-1996: For the Purpose of Amending a Contract With Harrang, Long, Gary, Rudnick P.C. For Legal Services on Council Contracting Authority. 94-1996 06/23/1994
94-1997: For the Purpose of Recommending A and B Contract Designations For the Personnel and Executive Management Departments. 94-1997 07/15/1998
94-2014: For the Purpose of Amending a Contract With Jacob Tanzer For Legal Services Regarding Metro Executive Officer Contracting Authority. 94-2014 09/22/1994
94-2032: For the Purpose of Authorizing Special Legal Counsel to File an Appeal. 94-2032 09/08/1994
Council Meeting Packet MEET22/3680 06/09/1994
Council Agenda MEET22/156 06/09/1994
90-1279: For the Purpose of Amending the Solid Waste Disposal Services Contract With Oregon Waste Systems, Inc. to Provide For a Limited Exemption to the Flow Guarantee Provisions in Order to Properly Close the St Johns Landfill. 90-1279 06/14/1990
94-1904: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Executive Officer to Execute an Amendment to Metro's Contract With Oregon Waste Systems. 94-1904 07/15/1998
94-1972: For the Purpose of Ratifying and Approving Contract Amendment No. 4 Between Metro and Oregon Waste Systems, Inc., and Directing Legal Counsel to Issue an Opinion Concerning the Allocation of Power Between the Council and the Executive Officer 94-1972 07/15/1998
94-565B: An Ordinance Amending the FY 1994-95 Budget and Appropriations Schedule By Transferring $34,935 From the Solid Waste Revenue Fund Contingency to the Administration Division Materials and Services, Legal Fees Line Item For the Purpose of Providing Legal Services Regarding Executive Officer Contracting Authority 94-565B 09/22/1994
Council Minutes MEET20/610 06/09/1994
94-1973: For the Purpose of Obtaining a Judicial Declaration of the Validity of Amendment No. 4 to the Contract Between Oregon Waste Systems, Inc. and Metro. 94-1973 06/09/1994