Records - allRelated:3799 (95-2228A) - 45+ records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
95-2255: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Executive Officer to Enter a Purchase and Sale Agreement to Purchase Property Within the Forest Park Regional Target Area. 95-2255 12/14/1995
95-2267: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Executive Officer to Enter a Purchase and Sale Agreement to Purchase Property Within the Newell Creek Regional Target Area. 95-2267 01/18/1996
96-2274A: For the Purpose of Approving a Refinement Plan For the Forest Park Target Area as Outlined in the Open Space Implementation Work Plan. 96-2274A 02/15/1996
96-2275A: For the Purpose of Approving a Refinement Plan For the Cooper Mountain Target Area as Outlined in the Open Space Implementation Work Plan. 96-2275A 02/15/1996
96-2308: For the Purpose of Approving a Refinement Plan For the Clackamas River Greenway as Outlined in the Open Spaces Implementation Work Plan. 96-2308 04/11/1996
96-2309: For the Purpose of Approving a Refinement Plan For the Newell Creek Canyon Target Area as Outlined in the Open Space Implementation Work Plan. 96-2309 04/11/1996
96-2330: For the Purpose of Approving a Refinement Plan For Tryon Creek Linkages Target Area as Outlined in the Open Space Implementation Plan. 96-2330 05/16/1996
96-2331: For the Purpose of Approving a Refinement Plan For Fanno Creek Greenway Target Area as Outlined in the Open Space Implementation Work Plan. 96-2331 05/16/1996
96-2332: For the Purpose of Approving a Refinement Plan For Clear Creek Canyon Target Area as Outlined in the Open Space Implementation Work Plan. 96-2332 05/23/1996
96-2340: For the Purpose of Approving a Refinement Plan For Willamette Cove Target Area as Outlined in the Open Space Implementation Work Plan. 96-2340 06/13/1996
96-2341: For the Purpose of Approving a Refinement Plan For the Columbia River Shoreline and Islands Target Area as Outlined in the Open Space Implementation Work Plan. 96-2341 06/13/1996
96-2342: For the Purpose of Approving a Refinement Plan For the Jackson Bottom-Dairy/McKay Creeks Target Area as Outlined in the Open Space Implementation Work Plan. 96-2342 06/27/1996
96-2357: For the Purpose of Approving a Refinement Plan For the Multnomah Channel Target Area as Outlined in the Open Space Implementation Work Plan. 96-2357 07/11/1996
96-2358: For the Purpose of Approving a Refinement Plan For the Sandy River Gorge Target Area as Outlined in the Open Space Implementation Work Plan. 96-2358 07/11/1996
96-2359: For the Purpose of Approving a Refinement Plan For the Beaver Creek Canyon Greenway Target Area as Outlined in the Open Space Implementation Work Plan. 96-2359 07/11/1996