Records - allRelated:43896 (MIN05/00065) - 14 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
Council Agenda AGEN05/00073 06/09/2005
Council Meeting Packet MP05/69 06/09/2005
05-1074C: For the Purpose of Adopting the Annual Budget For Fiscal Year 2005-06, Making Appropriations, and Levying Ad Valorem Taxes, and Declaring an Emergency. 05-1074C.01 06/23/2005
05-1082: Amending Metro Code Chapter 2.02, Regarding Personnel Rules, and Declaring an Emergency. 05-1082 06/09/2005
05-3589A: For the Purpose of Amending the Regional Transportation Plan To Move the I-205 Northbound On-Ramp/Airport Way Interchange Improvement From the Illustrative List to the Financially Constrained List. 05-3589A 06/09/2005
05-1085: For the Purpose of Amending the FY 2004-05 Budget and Appropriations Schedule For Funding Costs Associated With the Voluntary Separation Program; and Declaring an Emergency. 05-1085 06/23/2005
05-3580A: Transferring $1,250,000 From the Balance of the FY 2004-05 Recovery Rate Stabilization Reserve to a General Fund Reserve For Nature in Neighborhoods Restoration Projects. 05-3580A 06/09/2005
05-3583: Authorizing the Chief Operating Officer to Issue A Renewed Non-System License Jointly to Willamette Resources, Inc. and United Disposal Service, Inc. For Delivery of Solid Waste, Including Putrescible Waste, to Covanta Waste-To-Energy Facility. 05-3583 06/09/2005
05-3594A: Transferring $250,000 From the Balance of the FY 2004-05 Recovery Rate Stabilization Reserve to a General Fund Reserve For Renewal and Replacement. 05-3594A 06/09/2005
05-3595: Transferring $1,500,000 From the Balance of the FY 2004-05 Recovery Rate Stabilization Reserve to a General Fund Reserve. 05-3595 06/02/2005
05-3588A: For the Purpose of Making Recommendations to the Oregon Transportation Commission and to the Washington State Department of Transportation Concerning High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes on Interstate 5 in the Vicinity of the Columbia River. 05-3588A 06/09/2005
Goal 5 Record - Council Audio Tapes 05/63 06/09/2005
05-1074C: For the Purpose of Adopting the Annual Budget For Fiscal Year 2005-06, Making Appropriations, and Levying Ad Valorem Taxes, and Declaring an Emergency. 05-1074C.02 06/23/2005
Council Minutes MIN05/00065 06/09/2005