Records - allRelated:5428 (98-786C) - 45+ records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
95-625A: Amending the Regional Urban Growth Goals and Objectives, and Adopting Metro 2040 Growth Concept and Metro 2040 Growth Concept Map. 95-625A 12/14/1995
98-780: For the Purpose of Amending Metro Urban Growth Boundary and the 2040 Growth Concept Map in Ordinance 95-625A in Clackamas County. 98-780 10/29/1998
Metro Council Committee Meeting Records - Growth Management Committee Agenda AGEN98/00160 11/03/1998
Metro Council Committee Meeting Records - Growth Management Committee Minutes MIN98/00143 11/03/1998
Council Agenda AGEN98/00159 11/05/1998
Council Agenda AGEN98/00162 11/10/1998
Council Agenda AGEN98/00163 11/12/1998
Council Minutes MIN98/00145 11/12/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - Urban Growth Boundary Legislation MEMO98/16 10/29/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - Inclusion of Happy Valley Properties in the Urban Reserves CORR98/35 08/04/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - Support for Inclusion of Property in Urban Growth Boundary (URSA 14) CORR98/72 10/30/1998
Urban Reserves Tax Lot Boundaries, Map 14 MAP-UGBA-01 10/27/1997
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - Regarding Urban Reserve Areas 14 and 15 TEST98/8 11/05/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - Preliminary Staff Reports: Metro Urban Growth Boundary Expansion RPT98/6 10/30/1998
Growth Management Committee PUBN98/5 10/10/1998