Records - allRelated:558706 (18-4892) - 22 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
Metro Council Action Update for Thursday, December 6, 2018 MEET18/454 12/06/2018
09-4025: For the Purpose of Adopting the Regional High Capacity Transit System Plan Screened Corridor Map and Evaluation Criteria. 09-4025 02/12/2009
Council Recording 18/137 12/06/2018
Council Minutes MIN18/00073 12/06/2018
Council Meeting Packet MP18/77 12/06/2018
18-1421: For the Purpose of Amending the 2014 Regional Transportation Plan to Comply With Federal and State Law and Amending the Regional Framework Plan. 18-1421 12/06/2018
16-1371: For the Purpose of Adopting the Distribution of Population and Employment Growth to Year 2040 to Traffic Analysis Zones in the Region Consistent with the Forecast Adopted by Ordinance No. 15-1361 in Fulfillment of Metro's Population Coordination Responsibility Under ORS 195.036 16-1371 10/13/2016
16-4702: For the Purpose of Adopting the 2018-2021 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program and 2019-2021 Regional Flexible Funds Allocation Policy Statement for the Portland Metropolitan Area 16-4702 06/16/2016
17-4848: For the Purpose of Approving an Increased Multi-Year Commitment of Regional Flexible Funds for the Years 2019-34, Funding the Division Transit Project, the Southwest Corridor Transit Project, Arterial Bottleneck Projects, Active Transportation Projects, and Enhanced Transit Projects, and Authorizing Execution of an Amendment to Intergovernmental Agreement with TriMet Regarding the Increased Multi-Year Commitment of Regional Flexible Funds 17-4848 11/02/2017
10-1241B: For the Purpose of Amending the 2004 Regional Transportation Plan to Comply With State Law; To Add the Regional Transportation Systems Management and Operations Action Plan, the Regional Freight Plan and the High Capacity Transit System Plan; To Amend the Regional Transportation Functional Plan and Add it to the Metro Code; To Amend the Regional Framework Plan; And to Amend the Urban Growth Management Functional Plan 10-1241B 06/10/2010
14-1346B: For the Purpose of Adopting a Preferred Climate Smart Communities Strategy and Amending the Regional Framework Plan to Comply With State Law. 14-1346B 12/18/2014
15-4662: For the Purpose of Approving a Work Plan and Public Engagement Plan for the 2018 Regional Transportation Plan Update. 15-4662 12/03/2015
18-4886: For the Purpose of Adopting the 2018 Regional Travel Options Strategy. 18-4886 05/24/2018
18-4915: For the Purpose of Approving the Southwest Corridor Light Rail Preferred Alternative. 18-4915 11/15/2018
Council Agenda AGEN18/00102 12/06/2018