Records - allRelated:683412 (MEET21/1947) - 27 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
Council Meeting Packet MP02/1173 10/27/1988
Council Minutes MEET22/1208 10/27/1988
88-270: An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 88-247 Revising the FY 1988-89 Budget and Appropriations Schedule to Provide Funding For Legislative Expenditures and Increased National Association of Regional Council Dues. 88-270 11/10/1988
88-272: An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 88-247 Revising the FY 1988-89 Budget and Appropriations Schedule to Provide Funding For Increase in Oregon Laborer's Trust Health Care Premiums. 88-272 11/10/1988
89-271E: For the Purpose of Amending Metro Code Chapter 2.04 Relating to Contracting Procedures. 89-271E 03/23/1989
88-999: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Finance Committee to Appoint Citizens to the Metropolitan Service District's FY 1989-90 Budget Committee. 88-999 06/24/1998
88-1000: For the Purpose of Authorizing Amendment to Contract With Zimmer Gunsul Frasca Partnership For Further Specified Design Services For the Oregon Convention Center. 88-1000 10/27/1988
88-1001: For the Purpose of Authorizing a Request For Proposals to Prepare an Analysis For a Publicly Owned Metro East Transfer and Recycling Center. 88-1001 10/27/1988
88-1002: For the Purpose of Supporting Proposed Solid Waste Bills and Concepts For the 1989 State Legislative Session. 88-1002 10/27/1988
88-1003: For the Purpose of Authorizing a Contract With Portland's Finest, Inc. to Support the International Association of Chiefs of Police Convention in Portland October 12, 1988, Through October 20, 1988. 88-1003 10/27/1988
88-1004: For the Purpose of Appointing First Interstate Bank as Metro's Provider of Banking Services. 88-1004 10/27/1988
88-1005: For the Purpose of Expressing Appreciation to Sue McGrath For Services Rendered to the Metropolitan Service District. 88-1005 10/27/1988
88-1006: For the Purpose of Confirming the Appointment of William Naito to the Investment Advisory Board. 88-1006 10/27/1988
88-1007: For the Purpose of Adding Two Members to the One Percent For Recycling Advisory Committee and Confirming Appointments. 88-1007 10/27/1988
88-261: For the Purpose of Amending Chapter 3.01 of the Metropolitan Service District Code to Clarify Standards and Procedures For Identifying Protected Agricultural Land. 88-261 10/27/1988