Records - allRelated:683433 (MEET21/1968) - 17 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
Council Meeting Packet MP02/1165 06/23/1988
Council Minutes MEET22/1160 06/23/1988
88-252: For the Purpose of Amending Metro Code Chapter 2.04 Relating to the Disadvantaged Business Program. 88-252 07/07/1988
88-894A: For the Purpose of Amending Classification and Pay Plans For the Metropolitan Service District. 88-894A 09/08/1988
88-949: For the Purpose of Developing a Contract With ODS Health Plan, Kaiser Permanente, Standard Life Insurance Company and the Public Employees Retirement Systems (PERS). 88-949 12/31/1997
88-247: For the Purpose of Adopting the Annual Budget For Fiscal Year 1988-89, Making Appropriations, Levying Ad Valorem Taxes, Creating a Metropolitan Exposition-Recreation Fund and Eliminating the Convention, Trade and Spectator Facilities Fund. 88-247 06/23/1988
88-874: For the Purpose of Adopting Procedures For Introducing and Considering Ordinances and Resolutions. 88-874 06/23/1988
88-898: For the Purpose of Establishing the Order of Business For Regular Council Meetings. 88-898 06/23/1988
88-934: For the Purpose of Recommending a Merger of the Boundary Commission With the Metropolitan Service District Providing That the Commission Hires and Directs Staff and That There Be Limited Appeals of Commission Decisions to the Metro Council 88-934 06/23/1988
88-939: For the Purpose of Amending Resolution No. 87-744, Revising the FY 1987-88 Budget and Appropriations Schedule For Zoo and Solid Waste Operations. 88-939 06/23/1988
88-941: For the Purpose of Accepting the May 17, 1988, Primary Election Abstract of Votes of the Metropolitan Service District. 88-941 06/23/1988
88-942: For the Purpose of Authorizing Execution of a Memorandum of Understanding With Riedel Environmental Technologies, Inc. For a Mass Composting Facility. 88-942 06/23/1988
88-943: For the Purpose of Supporting Statutory Changes to Remove Impediments to the Merger of Tri-Met With the District. 88-943 06/23/1988
88-946: For the Purpose of Appointing Citizens to Assist Council in Filling the Vacancy in the District 8 Council Position. 88-946 06/23/1988
88-947: For the Purpose of Authorizing Solicitation of Bids For the Oregon Convention Center Bid Package 3: General Contract. 88-947 06/23/1988